
On white normativity, racial habituation, and cracks in racial teams

Hosted by the British Journal of Sociology and the Department of Sociology

In-person and online public event (Auditorium, Centre Building)


Professor Eduardo Bonilla-Silva

Professor Eduardo Bonilla-Silva


Professor Aaron Reeves

Professor Aaron Reeves


Professor Aaron Reeves

Dr Ali Meghji

In this year’s annual British Journal of Sociology lecture, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva will review the basics of his “racialized social system” with a focus on explaining how he has improved the theoretical apparatus over the years.

Specifically, dealing with the import of racial ideology (color-blind racism) and racial grammar as swell as the matter of “racialized emotions” as central to maintain racial order. The lecture will explore his recent and ongoing work on (white) normativity and racial habituation, racial subjects and RWF (regular white folks henceforth), and the various roads to change.

Meet our speaker and chair

Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Sociology at Duke and current Pitt Professor at Cambridge, specializes in race studies. His research spans racial theory, color-blind racism, race stratification, racial grammar, whiteness, and more. Bonilla-Silva argues that racism is a collective, structural phenomenon of racial domination. His work explores how race intersects with methodology, human rights, citizenship, and institutions.

Ali Meghji is Associate Professor in Social Inequalities at the University of Cambridge. His research puts critical race theory into dialogue with postcolonial sociology in order to understand the global dynamics of racialisation and racism.

Aaron Reeves (@aaronsreeves) is Professor of Sociology at LSE. An award-winning sociologist who has conducted pioneering studies on health and social class, he is the co-editor of the British Journal of Sociology.

More about this event

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The British Journal of Sociology (@BJSociology) is a leading international sociological journal published on behalf of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Established in 1950, the journal features rigorous, original research that speaks to a general sociological audience and draws on an array of quantitative and qualitative methods. The BJS has a proud tradition of featuring work that advances both scholarly debate and broader understandings of key social and political questions

The Department of Sociology (@LSEsociology) seeks to produce sociology that is public-facing, fully engaged with London as a global city, and with major contemporary debates in the intersection between economy, politics and society – with issues such as financialisation, inequality, migration, urban ecology, and climate change

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A podcast of this event is available to download from On white normativity, racial habituation, and cracks in racial teams.

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