In an age of conformists and faux-contrarians, Maurice Saatchi has revolutionised British business and politics through his willingness to question received wisdom. He discusses with Larry Kramer his new book Orgasm, a vivid and engaging blend of memoir, philosophy and critical thinking, in which he debunks some of the modern world’s most widely-held social and cultural delusions, in his inimitably witty and pugnacious style.
Meet our speaker and chair
Maurice Saatchi graduated from LSE, where he won the MacMillan Prize for Sociology. He went on to become a Governor of LSE. During his time in advertising, he transformed the industry, taking Saatchi & Saatchi from being an eleven-staff company to the biggest agency globally. He worked with Margaret Thatcher and John Major on four consecutive general election victories. In 1996 he entered the House of Lords, and later became Shadow Minister for the Treasury and the Cabinet Office. He became Chairman of the Conservative Party, and Chairman of the Centre for Policy Studies. His legislative efforts in Parliament led to the passage of the 2016 Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Act.
Larry Kramer has been President and Vice Chancellor of LSE since April 2024. A constitutional scholar, university administrator, and philanthropic leader, he was previously the President of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Dean of Stanford Law School.
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Podcast & video
A podcast of this event is available to download from In conversation with Maurice Saatchi.
A video of this event is available to watch at In conversation with Maurice Saatchi.
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