At a time when the UK faces multiple long-term challenges, from climate change to globalisation, demographic shifts, inequality and artificial intelligence, the Lord Speaker will explain how the House of Lords enables policy-makers to look beyond the five-year electoral cycle.
He will advise caution on radical reform of the Upper House, arguing that incremental change to the process for nomination of peers would strengthen its role as a “forum for civil society” allowing the country to draw on expertise from outside politics.
Meet our speaker and chair
John McFall (@LordSpeaker) was Labour MP for Dumbarton and later West Dunbartonshire 1987-2010. He Served as a Minister in the Northern Ireland Office and as a Government Whip. Between 2001-2010 he was Chair of the House of Commons Treasury Select Committee. He was awarded life peerage in 2010. Lord McFall was Senior Deputy Speaker of the Lords 2016-21, and was elected Lord Speaker in 2021.
Tony Travers is a Visiting Professor in the Department of Government at LSE and Director of LSE London.
More about this event
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Podcast & Video
A podcast of this event is available to download from Making good law in a time of polycrisis.
A video of this event is available to watch at Making good law in a time of polycrisis.
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