The protracted cost of living crisis has seen a resurgence of industrial action across almost every sector of the British economy. To discuss the political implications of this renewed activism in the labour movement, we are joined by Paul Nowak, General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress.
Meet our speaker and chair
Paul Nowak (@nowak_paul) is the General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress. He is a life-long trade unionist and a graduate of the TUC's Organising Academy.
Robin Archer is the Director of the postgraduate programme in political sociology and the Director of the Ralph Miliband Programme at LSE.
More about this event
This event will be available to watch on LSE Live. LSE Live is the new home for our live streams, allowing you to tune in and join the global debate at LSE, wherever you are in the world. If you can't attend live, a video will be made available shortly afterwards on LSE's YouTube channel.
The Ralph Miliband Programme (@rmilibandlse) is one of LSE's most prestigious lecture series and seeks to advance Ralph Miliband's spirit of free social inquiry.
Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSEMiliband
Podcast & Video
A podcast of this event is available to download from Organised labour and future of British politics.
A video of this event is available to watch at Organised labour and future of British politics.
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