With the rise of Giorgia Meloni, commentators have expressed concern that the far right has once again become ascendent in Italian politics. But how much does the contemporary period of political upheaval compare to the past? And what does this mean for the left in Italy and beyond?
To find out, we're joined by John Foot to discuss his new book Blood and Power: The Rise and Fall of Italian Fascism.
Meet our speakers and chair
John Foot is Professor of History at the University of Bristol who specializes in Italian history. His most recent book Blood and Power: The rise and fall of Italian fascism, charts the turbulent years between 1915 and 1945 to tell the story of fascism and its legacy, which still, disturbingly, reverberates today.
Robin Archer is the Director of the postgraduate programme in political sociology and the Director of the Ralph Miliband Programme at LSE.
More about this event
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The Ralph Miliband Programme (@rmilibandlse) is one of LSE's most prestigious lecture series and seeks to advance Ralph Miliband's spirit of free social inquiry.
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A video of this event is available to watch at Blood and Power.
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