
China and the World in the Post-COVID Era: a new agenda of public policy

Hosted by the School of Public Policy

Online public event


Bill Bikales

Bill Bikales

Professor Xiaobo Lü

Professor Xiaobo Lü

Dr Xuefei Ren

Dr Xuefei Ren

Professor Winnie Yip

Professor Winnie Yip


Dr Bingchun Meng

Dr Bingchun Meng

In this public event celebrating the launch of the LSE-Fudan Global Public Policy Hub, an interdisciplinary panel of experts will be discussing key public policy challenges that China and the world faces post-pandemic.

Leading scholars of health policy, development economics, urban governance and public administration will assess the policy agenda of their respective field in relation to the goal of building ‘common prosperity’ recently proposed by the CCP.

Meet our speakers and chair

Bill Bikales (@BBikales) is a Harvard-trained economist whose work has focused primarily on economic and social development in China and Mongolia, and whose most recent work on China's economic development is Reflections on Poverty Reduction in China, published by the Swiss Development Corporation.  He served until late 2020 as the Lead Economist in the Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator in China.  He has also held long-term positions in Ukraine and the Philippines, were he served for three years as Principal Economist for Southeast Asia at the Asian Development Bank.

Xiaobo Lü is Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Political Science in Barnard College, Columbia University. He is the founding director of Columbia Global Centers in Beijing. He is Acting Director and a former director of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University. Professor Lü teaches courses on Chinese politics, political economy, comparative political corruption and it control, and comparative politics. He is a recipient of the Emily Gregory Award for Excellence in Teaching at Barnard College.

Xuefei Ren is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology of Michigan State University. Xuefei Ren is a comparative urbanist whose work focuses on urban development, governance, architecture, and the built environment in global perspective. She is the author of three award-winning books: Governing the Urban in China and India: Land Grabs, Slum Clearance, and the War on Air Pollution, Urban China, and Building Globalization: Transnational Architecture Production in Urban China. She is currently working on two new projects. The first project examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on urban governance in six countries, including China, the United States, Canada, Germany, Brazil and South Africa. The second project compares culture-led revitalization in post-industrial cities, with Detroit, Harbin, and Turin as case studies. 

Winnie Yip is Professor of the Practice of Global Health Policy and Economics in the Department of Global Health and Population at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and also Director of the school wide China Health Partnership. Professor Yip was previously a Professor of Health Policy and Economics at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, and Senior Research Fellow of Green Templeton College, Oxford, where she was director of the Global Health Policy Program.

Bingchun Meng is Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communications at LSE, where she also serves as Programme Director for the MSc Global Media and Communications (LSE &Fudan). Dr Meng is the Co-director of LSE-Fudan Global Public Policy Hub.

More about this event

The LSE School of Public Policy (@LSEPublicPolicy) is an international community where ideas and practice meet. Our approach creates professionals with the ability to analyse, understand and resolve the challenges of contemporary governance.

This event forms part of LSE’s Shaping the Post-COVID World initiative, a series imagining what the world could look like after the crisis, and how we get there. The series will lead up to the LSE Festival 2022, which this year is taking place from Monday 13 to Saturday 18 June 2022.

Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSEPostCOVID

Featured image (used in source code with watermark added): Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash

Podcast & Video

A podcast of this event is available to download from China and the World in the Post-COVID Era: a new agenda of public policy.

A video of this event is available to watch at China and the World in the Post-COVID Era: a new agenda of public policy.

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