
Making Your Voice Heard

Hosted by the Department of Management

Online public event


Professor Connson Locke

Professor Connson Locke


Professor Conor Gearty

Professor Conor Gearty

Drawing on research from her latest book, Making Your Voice Heard, Connson Locke will look at how to develop your leadership presence and be more influential in the workplace.

Discover a fresh approach to influence, grounded in psychological research, and learn how to make your voice heard, regardless of your background or gender. How do you exercise influence when those around you have as much or more power than you do? Where does your power come from? Connson’s book, based on her hugely popular Guardian Masterclass ‘Developing your presence, power, and influence’, draws on the latest research in social psychology and looks to answer why some people are more influential than others and what can make people take notice. This practical guide will help you hone your personal style and enhance your presence and influence.

Meet our speaker and chair

Connson Chou Locke (@connsonlocke) joined LSE's Department of Management in 2008 where she teaches leadership, organisational behaviour, and negotiation and decision making. She received the Department of Management Outstanding Teaching Contribution Award in 2013, was Highly Commended for Inspirational Teaching in the Student-Led Teaching Excellence Awards in 2015 and 2017, and received the LSE Excellence in Education Award in 2018. Professor Locke holds a PhD and MSc in Business Administration (Organisational Behaviour) from the University of California at Berkeley and a BA in Sociology from Harvard University where she graduated with honours.

You can pre-order the book, Making Your Voice Heard, (UK delivery only) from our official LSE Events independent book shop, Pages of Hackney

Conor Gearty is a Professor of Human Rights Law at LSE. 

More about this event

The Department of Management (@LSEManagement) is a world class centre for education and research in business and management. At the heart of LSE’s academic community in central London, we are ranked #2 in the world for business and management.

Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSEVoice

Podcast & Video

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A video of this event is available to watch at Making Your Voice Heard.

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