
Margaret Thatcher - Herself Alone

Hosted by the Department of Government

Old Theatre, Old Building


Charles Moore

Charles Moore


Professor Tony Travers

Professor Tony Travers

Charles Moore will speak about the third and final in his series of biographies of Margaret Thatcher, focusing on her last period in office.

How did Margaret Thatcher change and divide Britain? How did her model of combative female leadership help shape the way we live now? How did the woman who won the Cold War and three general elections in succession find herself pushed out by her own MPs? Charles Moore’s full account, based on unique access to Margaret Thatcher herself, her papers and her closest associates, tells the story of her last period in office, her combative retirement and the controversy that surrounded her even in death. It includes the fall of the Berlin Wall, which she had fought for, and the rise of the modern EU, which she feared. It lays bare her growing quarrels with colleagues and reveals the truth about her political assassination. 

Charles Moore is a journalist and former editor of the Daily Telegraph. His latest book is Margaret Thatcher: The Authorized Biography, Volume Three: Herself Alone.

Tony Travers is Professor in LSE's Department of Government and Associate Dean of the LSE School of Public Policy. 

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