
On Strike

Hosted by the Forum for Philosophy

Old Theatre, Old Building


Dr Jo Grady

Dr Martin O'Neill

Dr Waseem Yaqoob


Dr Sarah Fine

Workers of the world, unite! We discuss the history, politics, and ethics of strikes, and their place in the labour movement. Why do they happen and what makes for a successful strike? What justifies workers in withdrawing their labour to push bosses for improved pay and conditions? And will this event be cancelled due to strike action?!

Jo Grady is a Senior Lecturer in Employment Relations, University of Sheffield.

Martin O'Neill is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of York.

Waseem Yaqoob is a Lecturer in the History of Modern Political Thought, University of Cambridge.

Sarah Fine is a Fellow at the Forum for Philosophy and a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at KCL.

The Forum for European Philosophy (@ForumPhilosophy) is an educational charity that organises a full and varied programme of philosophy and interdisciplinary events in the UK. 

Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSEForum

A podcast of this event is available to download from On Strike.

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