What are the Brazilian elites' perceptions on poverty and inequality?
Having researched elite perceptions in Brazil in the 1990s and again in the 2010s, Elisa Reis discusses changes and continuities in the ways those at the top view poverty and inequality and explores their possible implications for social policy.
Elisa Reis is professor of Political Sociology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro where she also chairs the Interdisciplinary Research Network on Inequality (NIED). She is a fellow of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, and vice-president for scientific matters of the International Social Science.
Mike Savage (@MikeSav47032563) is Martin White Professor of Sociology at LSE and co-Director of LSE International Inequalities Institute.
The International Inequalities Institute at LSE (@LSEInequalities) brings together experts from many LSE departments and centres to lead critical and cutting edge research to understand why inequalities are escalating in numerous arenas across the world, and to develop critical tools to address these challenges.
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