After Brexit, the United States of America have experienced their own populist revolution with the election of Donald J Trump as their 45th President. How will President Trump govern? How will he shape the presidency? What will be his relationship with the Republican Congress? What does the future hold for the Democratic Party? This public lecture will explore these questions and many others as we enter an uncharted territory of American history.
Will Howell is Sydney Stein Professor in American Politics at Chicago Harris and a professor in the Department of Political Science and the College, The University of Chicago.
Cheryl Schonhardt-Bailey (@Cheryl_SB) is Professor in Political Science in the Department of Government, LSE and Fellow of the British Academy.
The Department of Government (@LSEGovernment) at LSE is one of the largest political science departments in the UK. Our activities cover a comprehensive range of approaches to the study of politics.
Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSETrump