
The European Union at the Crossroads: Brexit and after

Hosted by Dahrendorf Forum LSE IDEAS

Old Theatre,


Professor Lord Giddens

Axelle Lemaire

Professor Margaret MacMillan


Dr Robert Falkner

With the UK heading for Brexit, the European Union faces a historic challenge but also an opportunity to rethink its own future. Join diplomats, politicians and academics from across the continent to debate the future of Europe. 

Tony Giddens is a member of the House of Lords and former LSE Director.

Axelle Lemaire (@axellelemaire) is the French Minister of State for the Digital Sector and Innovation.

Margaret MacMillan is a professor of History and Warden of St Antony’s College, Oxford.

Robert Falkner (@robert_falkner) is the Co-Director of the Dahrendorf Forum, LSE.

LSE IDEAS (@LSEIDEAS) is a foreign policy think-tank within LSE's Institute for Global Affairs.  

Keep up to date with what Brexit means for the UK and the wider world at LSE Brexit blog (@lsebrexitvote). 

Update Monday 17 October 2016, 3.22pm: due to unforeseen circumstances Sylvie Bermann is no longer speaking at this event. LSE apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSEDahrendorf


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