
Endless Endeavours: from the 1866 women's suffrage petition to the Fawcett Society

Hosted by LSE Library

Hong Kong Theatre,


Elizabeth Crawford

Dr Ann Dingsdale

Jane Grant


Martin Reid

‘Some people are inclined to begin a subdued kind of agitation for the franchise…’: the evolution of the women’s suffrage movement, 1866-1928. From its quiet and uncertain beginnings in 1866 the women’s suffrage movement gathered momentum through the 19th century until in the early 20th it became one of the topical issues of the day. This lecture will discuss the evolution of the suffrage societies through which the campaign was conducted, the women who signed the initial petition and the history and legacy of The Fawcett Society today, upon which this initial petition was founded.

Elizabeth Crawford (@womanandsphere) is author of The Women’s Suffrage Movement: a reference guide 1866-1928.

Ann Dingsdale (@AnnDingsdale) is historian and textile artist, researching and celebrating the 1866 suffrage petition signatories.

Jane Grant is author of In the Steps of Exceptional Women: the story of the Fawcett Society.

Martin Reid (@LibraryReid) is Head of Academic Services, LSE Library.  His team is responsible for teaching and research support and includes activities such as collection development, academic liaison, information skills training and enquiry services.

The British Library of Political and Economic Science(@LSELibrary) was founded in 1896, a year after the London School of Economics and Political Science.  It has been based in the Lionel Robbins Building since 1978 and houses many world class collection, including The Women's Library. 

Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSEFawcett


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