
The Women's Equality Party: why equality is better for everyone

Hosted by LSE Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce

Hong Kong Theatre,


Sophie Walker


Professor Kate Jenkins

Sophie Walker will talk about the her experiences as leader of the UK fastest-growing new political party, overseeing its transformation from an idea to a vibrant force for change, now boasting more than 45,000 members and supporters and 70 branches across the UK.

Sophie Walker (@SophieRunning) is the leader of the Women’s Equality Party and candidate for the London Mayoral elections in May. She worked as an international news agency journalist for nearly twenty years and is an ambassador for the National Autistic Society, campaigning for better support and understanding of autism, particularly in women and girls.

Kate Jenkins is a Governor of the LSE and a Visiting Professor in the Government Department. Kate was Vice Chair of the School until recently. She was also a Commissioner on the LSE's recent commission report on Confronting Gender Inequality. 

The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Taskforce was established in September 2015 to conduct a root-and-branch review of EDI issues at the School, to generate policy proposals, and to initiate changes around the institutional architecture and campus culture in order to maximise equity, diversity and inclusion across the School.

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Podcast & Video

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