Can extreme poverty be eliminated through programmes targeting the world’s ultra-poor? The panel will discuss the merits of so called graduation approaches.
Oriana Bandiera is a Professor of Economics at the LSE and the Director of STICERD.
Mushtaque Chowdhury is Vice-Chairperson, BRAC.
Esther Duflo is the Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics at MIT.
Anna Minj is Director of the Targeting the Ultra Poor Programme, BRAC.
Muhammad Musa, Executive Director, BRAC
Desmond Swayne is Minister of State at DFID.
Robin Burgess is a Professor of Economics at LSE and Director of the IGC.
The International Growth Centre (@The_IGC) aims to promote sustainable growth in developing countries by providing demand-led policy advice based on frontier research. Based at LSE and in partnership with Oxford University, the IGC is initiated and funded by DFID.
BRAC (@BRACworld) is a global leader in creating opportunity for the world’s poor.
Suggested hashtag for this event for Twitter users: #LSEultrapoor
A copy of Professor Oriana Bandiera's powerpoint presentation is available to download. Download 'BRAC’s Ultra-Poor Program' (pdf).
A copy of Anna Minj's powerpoint presentation is available to download. Download 'BRAC Targeting the Ultra Poor Programme' (pdf).
Podcast & Video
A podcast and video of this event is available to download from Tackling Extreme Poverty through Programmes Targeting the World's Ultra-Poor
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