
Women, Peace and Security: tackling the cycle of violence against women

Hosted by Centre for Women, Peace and Security

Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building,


Professor Christine Chinkin


Dr Marsha Henry

In 2000, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 acknowledged both the impact of armed conflict on women, and the importance of their participation in policy and decision-making. It recognised that sexual violence constitutes a threat to international peace and security both through its incidence in conflict and, without steps to address it, through its continuing divisiveness on societies. 

15 years since the adoption of UNSCR 1325 and sexual and gender-based violence continues to affect millions around the world, primarily but not exclusively women and girls. Such violence destroys lives, families and communities, and threatens international peace and security. Combating the cycle of violence against women requires a real and concerted effort to work towards equality for women across all sections of society. 

LSE is contributing to this effort with the creation of the Centre for Women, Peace and Security, founded with the support of the UK Government’s Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative and led by Professor Christine Chinkin. In this lecture, Professor Chinkin will explore UNSCR 1325, PSVI, and the international legal framework for addressing violence against women and promoting women’s human rights for women, themes central to the context and ambition for the Centre for Women, Peace and Security.

Christine Chinkin is Director of the Centre for Women, Peace and Security. 

Marsha Henry (@mghacademic) is Associate Professor in Gender, Development and Globalisation and Deputy Director of the Centre for Women, Peace and Security.

The Centre for Women, Peace and Security (@LSE_WPS) is a leading academic space for scholars, practitioners, activists, policy-makers and students to develop strategies to promote justice, human rights and participation for women in conflict-affected situations around the world. 

Suggested hashtag for this event for Twitter users: #LSEWPS

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