
VIP: Visual International Politics

Hosted by Department of International Relations

New Theatre, East Building,


Professor William A Callahan


Professor Chris Brown

Although we live in a visual age, few actually study the role of images in international politics. This inaugural lecture will examine how maps, photographs and film can tell us much about the international politics of war, identity and sovereignty.

William A. Callahan is Professor of International Relations at the LSE, and his recent publications include China Dreams: 20 Visions of the Future (2013), and the documentary video, China Dreams: The Debate (2014).

Chris Brown is a Professor of International Relations at the LSE.

The International Relations Department (@LSEIRDept) is one of the oldest as well as largest IR departments in the world.

Suggested hashtag for this event for Twitter users: #LSEVIP


A copy of Professor William A Callahan's PowerPoint presentation is available to download. Download VIP: Visual International Politics slides

Podcast & Video 

A podcast and video of this event is available to download from VIP: Visual International Politics

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