
Corporate Boards: facts and myths

Hosted by LSE Works: Financial Markets Group

Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House,


Professor Daniel Ferreira


Professor David Webb

Corporate Boards are a central part of a firm’s governance structure, and have since the 1980s received regulatory attention in the attempt to improve firm performance. Lately, other social considerations have made it to the regulatory agenda. The presentation will focus on two key questions: What do we really know about corporate boards? Why should we care?   

Daniel Ferreira is Professor of Finance and co-organiser of the Corporate Governance programme at LSE. 

David Webb is Pro-director for planning and resources, Director of the Financial Markets Group and Professor of Finance at LSE.

The Financial Markets Group Research Centre (FMG) at LSE (@FMG_LSE) is one of the leading European centres for academic research into financial markets and is a focal point for research communication with the business, policy making, and academic finance communities.

LSE Works is a series of public lectures, that will showcase some of the latest research by LSE's academic departments and research centres. In each session, LSE academics will present key research findings, demonstrating where appropriate the implications of their studies for public policy. A list of all the LSE Works lectures can be viewed at LSE Works.

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A copy of Professor Daniel Ferreira's powerpoint presentation and an appendix with a list of references for the presentation are available to download. Download Corporate Boards: facts and myths (pdf) and Corporate Boards References (pdf).

Podcast & Video

A podcast and video of this event is available to download from Corporate Boards: facts and myths

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