10.00am - tea/coffee
Welcome: Patrick Wallis, LSE
Session 1: Albrecht Ritschl, LSE
10.30am - Tom Raster (LSE) Breaking the Ice: The Persistent Effects of Pioneers on Trade Relationships
11.15am - Yuchen Lin (University of Warwick) Coeducation, Female Human Capital, and the Evolution of Gender Norms
12 noon - tea/coffee
Session 2: Sabine Schneider, LSE
12.15pm - Robert Yee (University of Oxford) Nazi Economic Policy and Credit Supervision in Central Europe, 1938-1945
1.00pm - Lunch
Session 3: Melanie Xue, LSE
2.00pm - Nick Peyton (LSE) The Dissolution of the Monasteries: A Quantitative Investigation
2.45pm - Rebecca Simson (University of Oxford) Africa’s Long Depression, 1975-1995
3.30pm - tea/coffee
Session 4: Jason Lennard, LSE
4.00pm - Devesh Rustagi (University of Warwick) Market Exposure, Civic Vales, and Rules
4.45pm - Keynote
John Turner (Queen's University, Belfast) Bank Capital Structures without Government Rules: Evidence from Victorian Britain
6pm - Drinks reception, 8th floor CKK Building
7pm - Dinner (by invitation only)