Lecturer at the podium

Workshops 2018-19


African Economic History Workshop (LSE/Cambridge) - 28 June 2019

African Economic History Workshop (LSE/Cambridge)

28 June 2019, LSE Connaught House 7.05

10:30-10:45 Coffee

10:45-11:00 Introductions

11:00-11:30 Mary Ononokpono (Cambridge) - Women as Change Brokers in the Bight of Biafra, 1680-1820

11:30-12:00 Laura Channing (Cambridge) - Taxation, slavery and the process of emancipation in Sierra Leone

12:00-12:30 Tom Westland (Cambridge) - The human capital of human capital: slave prices and skilled labour in 19th century colonialSenegal

12:30-13:00 Matthew Benson (Durham) - Revenue and the Subordination of Local Government in the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium’sPeripheries, 1899-1956

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-14:30 Rebecca Simson (LSE) - Kenya’s educational elite across time: the composition of theUniversity of Nairobi’s students since 1961

14:30-15:00 Jennifer Kohler (LSE) Culture, Cocoa and Collective Action: The Political Economy of Women’s Taxation in Colonial West Africa

15:00-15:30 Stephan van Wyk (Cambridge) Making the Capital of Apartheid South Africa

15:30-16:00 Coffee

16:00-16:30 Emiliano Travieso (Cambridge) Deindustrialization in the savanna: Northern Nigerian manufacturing from caliphate to colonial rule

16:30-17:00 Mostapha Abdelaal (Cambridge) - The Flawed Nationalization: Industrial Policy and the National Planning of Zambia 1964-1970s’

17:00-17:30 Discussion/Future directions

17:30-18:30 Drinks at White Horse

18:30-20:30 Dinner for participants

Sowing the Seeds VI 15 June 2019, LSE

Sowing the Seeds VI: A Workshop for Early-Career Medieval Economic and Social Historians
June 15, 2019, London School of Economics

You can download the Book of Abstracts here: Book of Abstracts [PDF]


9:30 – 10:00 Welcome, Registration and Coffee

10:00 – 11:00 Dr. Chris Briggs, University of Cambridge

Felons' chattels and living standards in the fifteenth century

11:00 – 11:20 Coffee

11:20 – 12:50 Session 1: Managing the Medieval Economy: Work, Wages and Officials

Ryan Wicklund, University of Durham, Manorial Managers and Agricultural Accounts

Grace Owen, University of Birmingham, The Rewards of Peasant Officialdom in Fourteenth-Century England

Taylor Aucoin, University of Bristol, Homo Economicus or Homo Ludens? Factoring Festive Culture and Social Distinction into the English Working Year, c. 1260-1500

12:50 – 1:50 Lunch

1:50 – 3:20 Session 2: Beyond the Cloister: The Economies of Monastic Orders

Federico Trombetta, University of Warwick, Ora et Guberna: The Economic Impact of Benedict’s Rule in Medieval England

Rowena McCallum, Queen’s University Belfast, The Integration of the Medicant Orders in Late Medieval Dublin

Jakob Schneebacher, University of Oxford, Monastic Orders, Feudal Control and Public Goods in Medieval England

3:20 – 3:40 Coffee

3:40 – 5:10 Session 3: Inequality, Human Capital and Crises in the Middle Ages

Felix Schaff, London School of Economics, When ‘war made the state’, what happened to economic inequality? Military conflicts and the beginning of the inequality rise in premodern Germany (c. 1400 – 1648)

Stef Espeel, University of Antwerp, Managing the Food Shocks of the Great Transition: Flemish Cities and the Food Crises of the Fourteenth Century

Rhiannon Sandy, Swansea University, Reconsidering the Cost of Apprenticeship

5:10 – 6:40 Session 4: New Directions in Medieval Economic History, a Roundtable

Gregory Clark, UC Davis, Daniel Curtis Erasmus University Rotterdam, Chris Briggs, University of Cambridge and Jordan Claridge, London School of Economics

LSE Historical Economic Demography Workshop - 18 February 2019

18 February 2019, LSE
Organised by Eric Schneider and Neil Cummins
Sponsored by the LSE Economic History Department

To attend, please email Tracy Keefe (T.J.Keefe@lse.ac.uk) by 4 February 2019

Session 1: 10:00-11:20 – Historical Population Dynamics

Neil Cummins (LSE - Economic History): Malthus in France. The Micro-Evidence for the Positive and Preventative check, and the Iron Law, 1650-1820

Peter Razzell: English Population Growth in the Eighteenth Century

Coffee: 11:20-11:40

Session 2: 11:40-13:00 – Fertility and Nuptiality

Elliott Green (LSE - International Development): Explaining inter-ethnic and inter-religious marriage in Sub-Saharan Africa with Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay

Ian Timaeus (LSHTM): Fertility transition without parity-specific limitation: past and present

Lunch: 13:00-14:00

Session 3: 14:00-16:00 – Child Health

Hannaliis Jaadla (Cambridge): Infant and child mortality by socioeconomic status in early 19th century England with Ellen Porter and Romola Davenport

Eric Schneider (LSE - Economic History): The effect of the Second World War on Japanese Children’s Growth with Kota Ogasawara and Tim Cole

Alice Goisis (UCL): The changing association between maternal age and offspring well-being

Coffee: 16:00-16:30

Session 4: 16:30-18:30 – Mortality Decline

Romola Davenport (Cambridge): Water and health: new evidence from British cities 1870-1911 with Toke Aidt

Arjan Gjonca (LSE - International Development): Can the “Development Idealism framework” help us better understand the mortality transition in both Western European Societies and today’s Low and Middle Income Countries?

Mike Murphy (LSE - Social Policy): What are the causes and consequences of stalling mortality improvement in developed societies?

Gaming, Self-Determination and Economic Development - 4 February, 2019

Gaming, Self-Determination and Economic Development
4 February, 2019 
Vera Anstey Room, Old Building, London School of Economics 

Gambling has been an important if controversial tool used by governments across the twentieth century to encourage economic growth through greater employment, tax revenue and commercial activity. These gains, however, are often weighed against perceived social costs.This event brings together academic researchers and current policy experts to examine long-run implications of gambling in the UK and for American Indian tribal governments in the United States.

Places are free but space is limited so please RSVP to Leigh Gardner (l.a.gardner@lse.ac.uk

17:00-17:15 Welcome

17:15-17:45 An Accidental Jackpot’ The birth of the British Gaming Industry 1960-1968

Carolyn Downs (University of Lancaster)

17:45-18:15 A Brief History of Betting Taxation in the UK
Leighton Vaughan Williams (Nottingham Trent University)

18:15-18:30 Break

18:30-18:45 Casinos, Tribal Governments and American Indian Economic Development 1978-2018
Leigh Gardner (LSE)

18:45 to 19:45 Policy Panel: Tribal Gaming and Development Today
Ernie Stevens, Jr (Chairman, National Indian Gaming Association) 

Chris James (President and CEO, National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development)

Derrick Watchman (Board Chairman, National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development)

Victor Rocha (President, Victor Strategies)

Spatial Dynamics and Inequalities in African Political Economy - January 11, 2019

A one-day workshop presenting new and on-going research related to spatial dynamics and spatial inequalities in African political economy.

January 11, 2019,  Old Building, LSE OLD.4.10

Organized by Professor Catherine Boone (Government) and Dr Leigh Gardner (Economic History)

Contact Dr Gardner for more information: l.a.gardner@lse.ac.uk

Faculty researchers, PhD students, and new PhDs from the LSE and other UK universities come together for a day-long seminar centered on the discussion of seven research papers.

Coffee and snacks will be served.


Presenters and papers

10:00 - 10:45

  • African institutions under colonial rule
  • Jutta Bolt (Lund) and Leigh Gardner (LSE)

10:45 - 11:30

  • Fiscal Relations and Sub-National Variation: Taxes, Debt and Livelihoods in the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium’s Peripheries, 1898-1956
  • Matthew Benson (Durham)

11:30-12:00 Coffee Break

12:00 - 12:45

  • Ethno-linguistic Fragmentation and the Dynamics of Local Boundary Changes in Post-ColonialAfrica
  • Jennifer Köhler (LSE)

Group lunch at SDR for presenters

14:00 - 14:45

  • Colonial Legacies: Shaping African Cities
  • Cong Peng (LSE)

14:45 - 15:30

  • Regional Inequalities in African Political Economy: Theory, Conceptualization and Measurement
  • Catherine Boone (LSE) and Rebecca Simson (LSE)

15:30 -16:00 Coffee Break

16:00 - 16:45

  • Cultivating the Fourth Shore: The Effect of Italian Farming in Colonial Libya, 1920-1942
  • Mattia Bertazzini (LSE)

16:45 -17:30

  • Examining the causal effects of sub-national government quality on economic development in African regions
  • Yohan Iddawala (LSE)


Working Time in the past - June 2018

  • Hosted by the Department of Economic History, LSE
  • Venue: Parish Hall 2.03
  • Date and time: Thursday 28th June 2018 12-6.30pm

One of the biggest remaining blank spaces in economic history is the amount and intensity of work in the early modern period. How much did people work in a year? How did these patterns differ between members of a household? How did this change over time, and how can all of these questions help inform our standard of living estimates? 

This workshop brings together cutting edge work, including in-depth analyses of individual markets and some of the first quantitative attempts to measure the working year, in an effort to address these questions and to deepen our understanding of life and living in the past. Speakers include Ben Schneider (Oxford), Kathryn Gary (Lund) and Jordan Claridge and Patrick Wallis from our own department. 

For further information, please contact  Cristina Victoria Radu (cvr@sam.sdu.dk).