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Department of Economic History
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Department of Economic History
GEHN Conferences
GEHN Conference 8
GEHN Conference 8
Cotton Textiles Pune, 18-20 December 2005
Beverly Lemire,
"The Meanings of Trade: Indian Cotton, Gender and the Fashion System in Europe, c.1500-1800"
Maxine Berg, "
Quality, Cotton and the Global Luxury Trade
" (PDF)
Giorgio Riello,
"The Rise of European Calico Printing and the Influence of Asia in the 17th- and 18th-centuries"
Gareth Austin, "Cloth for Cloth and Cloth for Slaves in Western African, 1500-1820"
Pedro Machado,
"A Regional Market in a Globalised Economy: East Central and South Eastern Africans, Gujarati Merchants and the Indian Textile Industry in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries"
Anthony Reid,
"The Long-term Impact of Indian and British Textiles on South-east Asian Production"
Hui Kian Kwee,
"Production, Consumption and Trade of Javanese Cotton Yarn and Textile in the Late Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century"
Harriet Zurndorfer,
"Cotton Textiles and Ming/Qing China in the Global Economy"
Colin Lewis,
"Industry and Labour Scarcity in Latin America: the Case of Domestic Cotton Textiles During the Age of Export-Led Growth, Brazil and Mexico"
Prasannan Parthasarathi,
"The European Response to Indian Cottons"
Kaoru Sugihara,
"The Resurgence of Intra-Asian Trade, 1800-1850"
William Clarence-Smith,
"Locally Produced Textiles on the Indian Ocean Periphery 1500-1850: East Africa, The Middle East and Southeast Asia"
Dennis Flynn,
"Conceptualization of Indian Trade in Silver and Textiles"
Kayoko Fujita, "The Long-term Trends in Textile Imports and Metal Exports of Tokugawa Japan, c.1600-1800"
Jan Parmentier, "Changing Patterns: Private Enterprise Eclipsing the European Companies in the Indian Textile Trade During the Late 18th-century"
Bishnupriya Gupta,
"Competition and Control in the Market for Textiles: The Weavers and the East India Company"
Om Prakash,
"From Market-Determined to Coercion-based: Textile Manufacturing in 18th Century Bengal"
Indrajit Ray,
"Long Waves of Silk Prices in Bengal During 17th and 18th Centuries"
Ian Wendt,
"Writing the Rich Economic History of South Asian Textile Industry: Spinners in Early Modern South India"
Lakshmi Subramanian,
"The Political Economy of Textiles in West India: Weavers, Merchants and the Transition to a Colonial Economy"
David Washbrook,
"The Textile Trade and the Domestic Economy of South India, c.1600-1800"
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