William Gervase Clarence Smith, "Religion and the Abolition of Slavery: A Comparative Approach"
Karel Davids, "Monasteries, Economies and States: The Dissolution of Monasteries in Early Modern Europe and T'ang China"
Jerry Liu, "Does Culture Matter? The Logics and Counter-Logics of Culture in State Finance, Taxation and Tributary Trade Policies During Ming Times c. 1370-1600"
Kent Deng, "Sweet and Sour Confucianism: The Impact of Culture of the Qing State and the Fate of the Qing Empire"
H. Floris Cohen, "The Historical Metamorphosis of Science"
Ian Inkster, "Cultures of Constraint and Innovation in the Development of Technology in World History"
Maxine Berg, "The Culture of Porcelain"
Steven Topik & Michelle Craig McDonald, "Culture and Consumption: National Drinks and National Identity in the Atlantic World"
JuanJuan Peng, "Daxing and Yuhua: One Business in Two Chinese Cities, 1921-1937"
Patrick O'Brien, "Cultures for Creating and Sustaining Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship for the Rise of the West" (un-footnoted 'think' piece. Not on programme)