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London School of Economics and Political Science
Department of Economic History
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Department of Economic History
Student Internships
Student Internships
Faculty projects that have formed part of the EHAB Student Internship Programme
Manuscript preparation
Tirthankar Roy
Mughal Empire fact/data checking
Safya Morshed
The Chamberlain's Court (expansion of an EH237 project)
Patrick Wallis
The diffusion of folklore in 19th century Germany
Melanie Xue
Mapping mental asylums in 19th century England
Melanie Xue
Regional growth/inequality in the Habsburg Empire, c.1820-1913
Max Schulze
China's long-term demographic data-processing from the Han to the Qing periods
Kent Deng
(Real) wages in the Middle Ages
Jordan Claridge
Extraction and structuring of published data on 16th century taxpayers
Patrick Wallis
Checking of Chamberlain's Court transcriptions (EH237 only)
Patrick Wallis
Digitisation of 19th century rye prices and conversion in gram silver
Oliver Volckart
Creation of literature review on social construction of identities
Max Schulze
Digitising/coding data on the constitutional structures of British colonies over the 19th and 20th centuries
Leigh Gardner
Data collection of living standards in 20th century China
Kent Deng
Transcription of Government bond yields
Jason Lennard
Creation of database of French-Canadian parish records
Chris Minns
Welfare ratios and real wags
Sara Horrell
Lock Asylum Project
Patrick Wallis
Transcription of marriage records after 1980 and coding of occupations to a status schema
Neil Cummins
Women in 19th century England
Melanie Xue
Folklore/oral traditions in Europe
Melanie Xue
Chinese economic and political history project
Melanie Xue
Regional inequality and market access
Max Schulze
Africa's monetary geography since 1800
Leigh Gardner
Transcription of records in LSE Library to create a dataset for China's farming sector
Kent Deng
Digitisation and preliminary analysis of 13th and 14th century tax documents
Jordan Claridge
The US motion picture industry since 1945
Gerben Bakker
Child stunting project
Eric Schneider
Anglo-Asian trade in the Pacific west coast and foreign exchange markets in London 1800s-1830s
Alejandra Irigoin
Lock Asylum project
Patrick Wallis
Creation of bibliography for project on state formation in Europe (1500-1870)
Mapping Medieval manors
Jordan Claridge
Transcription of medical records from Queen Charlotte Hospital
Eric Schneider
Photographing documents at Kew
Anne Ruderman
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