Mr Victor Perez Sanchez

Mr Victor Perez Sanchez

PhD Student

Department of Economic History

English, Spanish
Key Expertise
Monetary/Financial History, Economic History of Spain, Little Divergence

About me

My PhD thesis focuses on the study of early modern European history in the context of the Long 17th Century and the Little Divergence. In particular, I deal with the role of currency manipulations (proto-monetary policy), intra-European silver flows and the commercial shift. My interests include the relationship between monetary aspects and real variables, that is, patterns in long-run economic growth, both from the Castilian and European perspectives.

Dissertation  Title (Provisional)

  • To be confirmed

Dissertation Supervisors

  •  Dr Alejandra Irigoin and Professor Joan R. Rosés

Curriculum Vitae

View Victor Perez Sanchez's  CV here: Victor Pérez Sánchez CV [PDF]

Expertise Details

Monetary and Financial History; Early-Modern Europe; Economic History of Spain; Little Divergence; Macroeconomics