I am interested in how monetary and fiscal policies interacted and evolved over time in order to cope with extreme events, such as world wars or major financial crises. My research also investigates how financial innovations facilitated the management of public debt. Finally, I explore how the investments in certain assets shaped financial institutions and affected political decisions making processes and their outcomes.
Prior to joining the LSE, I worked in the Banque de France’s research department and visited Science Po’s economics department. More recently, I held a research fellowship at the Bank for International Settlements. I obtained my PhD from the Paris School of Economics.
Current teaching
EH221 Boom and Bust: Macroeconomic History of the Modern World (undergraduate)
EH402 Quantitative Analysis in Economic History I (graduate)
EH438 History of Financial Markets (graduate)
Link to publications: https://ideas.repec.org/f/pan377.html
Curriculum Vitae
You can view Dr Antipa's CV here: Pamfili Antipa