Professor Max Schulze

Professor Max Schulze

Professor of Economic History

Department of Economic History

+44 (0)2 7955 6784
Room No
SAR 6.14
Office Hours
Monday 16:30-18:00. Book via Student Hub
English, German
Key Expertise
19th century, Austria, European economy, economic development

About me

Research interests

European economic history; economic development of the Habsburg Empire; goods and capital market integration; long-run economic growth and convergence; historical economic geography.

Current research projects

  • Integration and Growth: Capital and Goods Markets in 14th to 18th century   Europe (with O. Volckart; Leverhulme Trust, grant RPG-133)
  • Market Integration and the Welfare of Europeans (with G. Federico; ERC)
  • Market Access, Endowments, Industrial Location: The Habsburg Economy, 1870-1913 (Economic & Social Research Council, grant RES-000-22-1598)
  • Das Handelsnetz Zentraleuropas: Preisintegration und interregionaler Handel zwischen Österreich, Ungarn, der Tschechischen Republik, der Slowakei, Polen und Deutschland, 1850-1939 (with N. Wolf; Fritz Thyssen Stiftung)

Teaching 2019-20

EH312 - Knowledge, Technology and Economy from the Middle Ages to Modernity

You can view Professor Schulze's CV here: Max Schulze CV [PDF]


Expertise Details

19th century; Austria; European economy; continental Europe; economic development; economic history

Selected publications