Dr Gerben Bakker

Dr Gerben Bakker

Associate Professor

Department of Economic History

+44 (0)20 7955 7047
Room No
SAR 6.04
Office Hours
Wednesday 11.30 – 12.30.No prior booking required
Dutch, English
Key Expertise
Business history, firms and industries, innovation and development

About me

Gerben Bakker is an economic historian specialised in the long-run analysis of innovation within firms and industries. He has completed four award-winning research programmes on the history of the live entertainment, motion picture and music industries and on the trade in news. He is currently working on the long-run evolution of firms’ research and development outlays and on the role of particular industries in aggregate economic growth.

Research interests

The historical analysis of the interaction between markets, industries, firms and strategies and their impact on economic growth and development. 

Read more about Dr Bakker's research and publications on his CV: Dr Gerben Bakker CV [PDF] 


EH326 Innovation and its Finance in the 19th and 20th Centuries

EH463 The Long-Run Analysis of Firms and Industries


Here are the links to Dr Bakker's IDEAS/REPEC page |Google Scholar


 Download Dr Bakker's CV here [PDF].

Expertise Details

Creative industries; motion pictures industry; live entertainment industry; music industry; news trade / news agencies; the financing of early-stage R&D; the industry origins of US productivity growth 1899-1941.

Research Impact and Selected publications

Research impact and related publications

An Impact Case Study on the impact of Bakker's completed research programmes is available here. 

Onwards and upwards: American productivity growth during the Great Depression Gerben Bakker, Nicholas Crafts and Pieter Woltjer, CEPR/Voxeu, January 2016.

The underlying research is published in:  A Vision of the Growth Process in a Technologically Progressive Economy: the United States, 1899-1941 Gerben Bakker, Nicholas Crafts and Pieter Woltjer, Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Papers,  DP10995 (December 2015) 

The Evolution of the British Entertainment Business: Film, Music and Videogames Gerben Bakker, in: Learning from Some of Britain’s Successful Sectors: An Historical Analysis of the Role of Government (London, Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, 2010), BIS Economics Paper No. 6 (2010), 28-98.

3D-cinema: the billion pound bonanza. How the film industry is weathering the recession Gerben Bakker, in Britain in 2011, (the annual magazine of the Economic and Social Research Council, 2010), 114-115. 

Dr Bakker acted as Specialist Advisor for the following inquiry: House of Lords Communications Committee, The British film and television industries: Decline or opportunity? (London, House of Lords/Stationery Office Ltd., 2010).