group of students in a lecture

PhD Job Market - First Placements

2023-24 placements

Mario Cuenda Garcia 200x200

Dr Mario Cuenda Garcia

Thesis Title:  Fiscal Capacity and Taxation Inequalities in Spain, 1901-1936.

Supervisors: Professor Max-Stephan Schulze and Professor Joan R. Rosés

Placement: Research Fellow, Tax Justice Network

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Dr Julius Koschnick

Thesis title: On the shoulders of science: Scientific culture as a driver of innovation during the early industrial revolution

Supervisors: Professor Max Schulze and Dr Jeremiah Dittmar

Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Southern Denmark

Photo of Aurelius Noble

Dr Aurelius Noble

Thesis title: Social capital and elite persistence in late-Victorian and Edwardian England

Supervisors: Professor Olivier Accominotti and Professor Neil Cummins

Placement: Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Economic History

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Dr Charles Udale

Thesis title: The plague and the state in early moder England, 1538-1667

Supervisors: Professor Patrick Wallis and Professor Eric Schneider

Placement: Law student


Dr Hilary Vipond

Thesis title: Technological unemployment in Victorian Britain: A task-based approach

Supervisors: Professor Patrick Wallis and Professor Chris Minns

Placement: Post-doctoral researcher, Complexity Science Hub Vienna; visiting scholar, Harvard Kennedy Growth Lab

2022-23 placements



Dr Andrea Ramazzotti

Thesis title: Structural change in the Italian economy, 1950s-1990s

Supervisors: Dr Gerben Bakker and Dr Natacha Postel-Vinay

Placement: Research fellow at CSEF, Department of Economics and Statistics at the University of Naples Federico II.



Dr Juan Jose Rivas Moreno

Thesis title: 'How was the Manila Trade financed? An alternative institutional approach to Early Modern long-distance trade finance, 1668-1830'

Supervisors: Dr Alejandra Irigoin and Professor Kent Deng

Placement: Economic History Society Fellow, Institute of Historical Research


Dr Juliana Jaramillo

Thesis title: Social change in Colombia: studying social mobility and the fertility decline

Supervisors: Professor Neil Cummins and Professor Eric Schneider

Placement: Junior Researcher, Central Bank of Colombia

Photo of Safya Morshed

Dr Safya Morshed

Thesis title: Evolution of Revolutions: State Capacity in Mughal India (1555-1707)

Supervisors: Professor Tirthankar Roy and Dr Jordan Claridge

Placement: LSE Fellow, Department of Economic History


Dr Yitong (Nora) Qiu

Thesis title: Power and Identity in the Qing Empire: A Study of the Political and Economic Life of the Elites through Confiscation Inventories, 1700-1912

Supervisor: Professor Patrick Wallis

Placement: Teaching Fellow, Oxford 


Dr Felix Schaff

Thesis title: Exploring the Historical Causes of Inequality in Pre-Industrial Germany, c.1300-1800

Supervisor: Professor Oliver Volckart

Placement: Max Weber Fellow, EUI


2021-22 placements



Dr Oliver Bush

Thesis title: Were central bank policies responsible for economic and financial stability  during the Golden Age?

Supervisors: Professor Albrecht Ritschl and Professor Joan R. Rosés

Placement: Senior Economist, Bank of England


Dr Simon Hinrichson

Thesis title: The Economic Consequences of Fiscal Transfers

Supervisors: Professor Albrecht Ritschl and Dr Natacha Postel-Vinay

Placement: Portfolio Manager, Sampension


2020-21 placements


Dr Samuel Betteridge

Thesis Title: 'Market Integration and Market Structure in the East Asian Opium Trade, 1860-1909'

Supervisors: Dr Debin Ma and Professor Oliver Volckart

Placement: n/k


Dr Chung Tang Cheng

Thesis Title: The Microeconometrics of Household Behaviour: Building the Foundations, 1920-1960 

Supervisors: Professor Mary Morgan and Professor Joan Rosés

Placement: Department of Economics, National Taipei University

Photo of Deng Hanzhi, PhD student

Dr Hanzhi Deng

Thesis Title:  History of Decentralization: Fiscal Transitions in Late Imperial China, 1850-1911

Supervisors: Professor Kent Deng and Dr Debin Ma

Placement: Post-doc, Deparatment of Political Science, Fudan University


Dr Thea Don Siemion

Thesis Title: Money, Debt, and the Balance of Payments in Poland’s Great Depression

Supervisors: Professor Albrecht Ritschl and Professor Max Schulze

Placement: Lectureship, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge


Dr Ziang Liu

Thesis Title: Quantification and Fiscal Governance in China, 1400-1800

Supervisors: Professor Oliver Volckart and Professor Mary Morgan

Placement: ESRC Fellowship, Department of Accounting, LSE


Dr Ivan Luzardo Luna

Thesis Title: British labour frictions during the interwar period

Supervisors: Professor Chris Minns and Professor Joan R. Rosés

Placement: Post-doc, University of Pennsylvania


Dr Alka Raman

Thesis Title: Learning from the Muse: Indian cotton textiles and British industrialisation

Supervisors: Professor Tirthankar Roy and Professor Joan R. Rosés

Placement: Postan Postdoctoral Fellow/EHS/VAM 


Dr Roger Vicquery

Thesis Title: Three Essays on Currency Unions and the International Monetary System

Supervisors: Professor Joan R Rosés and Professor Max Schulze

Placement: Research Economist, Bank of England

2019-20 placements


Sijie Hu

Dr Sijie Hu

Thesis title: A New Examination of Fertility in China, 1400-1900

Supervisors: Professor Neil Cummins and Dr Debin Ma

Placement: Assistant Professor, Renmin University 

Enrique Jorge-Sotelo

Dr Enrique Jorge Sotelo

Thesis Title: "Escaping" the Great Depresssion: monetary policy, financial crises and banking in Spain, 1921-1935

Supervisor: Professor Olivier Accominotti

Placement: Visiting Professor at the Department of Economic History and Institutions at Universitat de Barcelona


Dr Maanik Nath

Thesis Title: Rural credit markets in South India 1930-1960 (provisional title)

Supervisors: Professor Tirthankar Roy and Dr Gerben Bakker

Placement: Teaching Fellow,  LSE


2018-19 placements

Thilo Albers
Thesis Title: Was the world in the 1930 caught in a non-cooperative Nash-Equilibrium?
Supervisor: Albrecht Ritschl
Placement: Post doc, Humboldt 

Mattia Bertazzini
Thesis title: Poets, sailors and farmers: the long-term impact of the Italian colonial agricultural activity in Libya and in the Horn of Africa (1920-2000)
Supervisor: Joan Roses
Placement: Post Doctoral Prize Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford

David Escamilla
Thesis Title: Essays on Initial Patterns of Mexican Mass Migration 
Supervisor: Eric Schneider
Placement: Assistant Professor, St Andrews

Young-Ook Jang
Thesis Title: Migration of Ethnic Groups in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Space during the Transition Period
Supervisor: Chris Minns
Placement: Postdoc, Stellenbosch University

Ousmene Mandeng
Thesis title: Central banking reform, regional diversity and monetary policy in nineteenth century Germany
Supervisor: Olivier Accominotti
Placement: Senior Advisor and Lead of Economic and Financial Strategy with Accenture’s Blockchain and Multiparty Systems

2017-18 placements

Yasin Arslantas
Thesis title: Confiscation by the Ruler: a study of Ottoman practice of Musadere, 1700s-1839
Supervisor: Tirthankar Roy
Placement: Economics Department, Anadolu University, Turkey

Pinar Ceylan
Thesis Title: Essays on markets, prices and consumption in the Ottoman Empire, mid-17th to mid-19th centuries
Supervisor: Patrick Wallis
Placement: Post-doc Research Fellow, Humboldt University, Berlin

Olga Christodoulaki
Thesis Title: The Origins of Central Banking in Greece
Supervisor: Max Schulze
Placement: Visiting Fellow, Department of Economic History, LSE

Katja Fuder
Thesis Title: No Experiments: Federal privatisation politics in West Germany, 1949-1989
Supervisor: Albrecht Ritschl
Placement: Scientific Associate, IFZ, Institute for Contemporary History, Berlin

James Harris
Thesis Title: A Comparative Study of Private Property Rights Institutions and their Effects on Shanghai;s Early Financial Markets.
Supervisor: Kent Deng
Placement: n/k

Frank Kennedy
Thesis Title: Institutional Effects: studies from the Sterling Area in the 1950s-60s
Supervisor: Joan Roses
Placement: Research Affliate, QUB

Leonard Kukic
Thesis Title: Economic and Social Change in Yugoslavia, 1920-90
Supervisor: Max Schulze
Placement: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Joseph Lane
Thesis Title: Networks, Innovation and Knowledge: The North Staffordshire Potteries, 1750-1851
Supervisor: Mary Morgan
Placement: n/k

Flora Macher
Thesis Title: The 1931 Financial Crisis in Austria and Hungary: A critical reassessment
Supervisor: Max Schulze
Placement: Partner, Oriens

Andrea Papadia
Thesis Title: Government Actions under Constraints: the role of fiscal capacity in shaping fiscal policy and public goods provision. International evidence from the Great Depression and from 19th and early 20th century Brazil
Supervisor: Albrecht Ritschl
Placement: Max Weber Post Doctoral Fellow, EUI

Rebecca Simson
Thesis Title: (Under) Privileged Bureaucracy? The changing fortunes of public servants in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, 1960-2010
Supervisor: Tirthankar Roy
Placement: n/k

Brian Varian
Thesis Title: Interplay between American Tariffs and British Exports, 1870 to 1913
Supervisor: Chris Minns
Placement: Lecturer in Economics, University of Swansea

Bernardo Wjuniski
Thesis Title: Multiple Exchange Rates and Industrialisation in Brazil, 1953-1961: Macroeconomic miracle or mirage?
Supervisor: Alejandra Irigoin
Placement: Economist/Strategist, Point Break Capital, Brazil

Franz Zobl
Thesis Title: Regional Economic Development under Trade Liberalisation, Technological Change and Market Integration. Evidence from 19th century France and Belgium
Supervisor: Joan Roses
Placement: Not known