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Historical Economic Demography Workshop 2025

Hosted by the Department of Economic History, LSE


Organised by Neil Cummins and Eric Schneider (LSE) 

31st January 2025, Yangtze Theatre, 2nd Floor, Centre Building, LSE

If you are planning to attend this workshop, please complete the registration form as soon as possible, but no later than 22nd January.

Workshop programme

9.30-10.00am: Welcome 

10.00am-noon Session 1: Fertility

Ian Timaeus (LSHTM): Fertility and family building in Kenya, 1947-2007

Louis Henderson (LSE): Was there a family economics before 1870?: fertility choice in a long-running natural experiment, London, c. 1760-1870

Emma Diduch (CAMPOP): People, places, and peers - the fertility trajectories of two Derbyshire cohorts 1881-1911

12.00-12.10pm: Coffee Break 

12.10-1.30pm Session 2: Mortality and Mobility

Casey Breen (Oxford): The Black-White Mortality Crossover Paradox: New Evidence from Social Security Mortality Records

Per Engzell (UCL): 150 years of multigenerational mobility in Sweden

1.30-2.30pm: Lunch Break 

2.30-3.50pm Session 3: Health

Eilidh Garrett (CAMPOP): Changing manifestations of the White Death: the recording of tuberculous deaths in British civil registers, 1871-1901

Romola Davenport (CAMPOP): Public and private water provision in industrializing Britain

3.50-4.20pm: Coffee Break

4.20-5.40pm Session 4: Gender

Felix Schaff (EUI): Before the U-Curve: Inter-Family Roots of Preindustrial Gender Inequality

Sijie Hu (Renmin): Role models rescuing missing girls? Evidence from six centuries of Chinese history

5.40-7.00pm: Drinks at White Horse pub

7.00pm: Dinner (invited guests only)