The programme booklet, which includes abstracts and maps, can be found here.
Day 1 – 9th June 2025
9.30-10.00am: Coffee, registration and welcome
10.00-11.30am Session 1: Health Transition: Long-Run Trends
Björn Quanjer, Radboud University: Epidemiological transition theory at colonial crossroads: the case of Suriname 1903-1949
Eric Schneider, LSE: The Long-Run History of Child Stunting in India: A State-Level Analysis
Robert Stelter, University of Basel: Out of Africa: using genealogical data to assess the health impact of major historical events
11.30am-12noon: Coffee break
12noon-1.30pm Session 2: Geographical Perspectives
Anggi Novianti, LSE: Mortality of the 1918-1919 Influenza pandemic in Java and the drivers of disparities
Maanik Nath, Utrecht University: Railroads and Health: Evidence from Colonial India
Carolina Román, Universidad de la República (Uruguay): Regional distribution of health conditions and the role of education in Uruguay, 1890-1970
1.30-2.30pm: Lunch
2.30-4.00pm Session 3: Sexual and Reproductive Health
Shane Doyle, University of Leeds: Maternal Mortality from the Local to the Global
Ivana Zečević, University of Groningen: Medicalization of reproductive health in Villa Maria and Mua Mission Hospitals, 1900s-1980s
Meiping Aggie Sun, Fordham University: Long-Term and Multi-Generational Benefits of Skilled Birth Attendance
4.00-4.30pm: Coffee break
4.30-5.30pm Session 4: Colonial Medicine
Grietjie Verhoef, University of Johannesburg: Modern health care, modern hospitals in Africa. A historical perspective on health care developments in the Global South, with a focus on African hospitals.
Jutta Bolt, University of Groningen: Geographies of Healing: The Long-Term Impact of Colonial-Era Healthcare Facilities in British Africa
5.30-6.30pm Drinks at local pub
7.00pm Dinner, Cinnamon Bazaar
Day 2 – 10th June 2025
10.00-11.30am Session 5: Gender and the Health Transition
Astrid Krenz, LSE: Male Excess Mortality During the Epidemiological Transition: Theory and Evidence from India
Wen Su, University of Oxford: The Burden of HIV and Life Expectancy Sex Gap: Evidence from rural South Africa amid AIDS epidemic, 1994-2022
Juliana Jaramillo Echeverri (Eric Schneider), LSE: Gender disparities in Global Child Stunting
11.30-12.00noon: Coffee break
12noon-1.30pm Session 6: Rockefeller Foundation Health Campaigns
Daniel W Franken, University of Groningen: Tropical Disease, Rural Health Campaigns, and Heights in Early-Twentieth-Century Brazil
Leigh Gardner, LSE: A rocky start? Colonialism, state capacity and the impact of Rockefeller Foundation public health programmes in Africa
Eric Strobl, University of Bern: The Public Hookworm Campaign and Mortality in early 20th Century Colonial Jamaica
1.30-2.30pm: Lunch
2.30-4.00pm Session 7: Inequality in Mortality
Nick Fitzhenry, LSE: Mortality in the Century of Apartheid, 1940-1970: Spatial and racial health inequalities during the Antibiotic Revolution
Dinos Sevdalakis, University of Groningen: Infant mortality decline in urban Senegal: The case of colonial Saint-Louis, 1880- 1921
Johan Fourie, Stellenbosch University: Inequality in infant mortality: Evidence from a South African town, 1900-1930
4.00pm: Reception, 8th Floor Terrace, Marshall Building