Reading Group


A list of past reading group topics can be found here: 


22 October 2024

Kerby, E., Moradi, A., & Odendaal, H. (2024). African time travellers: What can we learn from 500 years of written accounts? The Economic History Review. doi: 10.1111/ehr.13344. The paper conducts text analysis on historical travelers accounts in precolonial Africa.

Faculty: Leigh Gardner
Student: Nick Fitzhenry


11 June 2024

Clarke, D., Jaña, M. L., & Pailañir, D. (2023). The use of quantile methods in economic history. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History56(2), 115–132. doi: 10.1080/01615440.2023.2198272

Faculty: Andy Seltzer
Student: Luisa Bicalho-Ritzkat

12 March 2024

Amendola, N., Gabbuti, G., & Vecchi, G. (2023). On some problems of using the Human Development Index in economic history. European Review of Economic History27(4), 477–505. doi: 10.1093/ereh/head008

Faculty: Mary Morgan
Student: Andres Irarrazaval

24 October 2023

Durlauf, S. N. (2023). The Journey of Humanity by Oded Galor: A Review Essay. Population and Development Review49(2), 403–421. Doi: 10.1111/padr.12566

Faculty: Jason Lennard
Student: Julius Koschnick


22 November 2022
Beach and Hanlon Historical Newspaper Data: A Researcher's Guide and Toolkit.

Faculty: Melanie Xue
Student: Alex Green

31 January 2023
Merouani and Perrin Gender and the Long-run Development Process: A survey of the literature

Faculty: Sara Horrell
Student: Debbie Fan

8 June 2023
Dennison Context is Everything: The problem of history in quantitative social science

Faculty: Mohamed Saleh
Student Victor Perez-Sanchez


12 November 2021
Glaeser What can Developing Cities Today Learn from the Urban Past?

Faculty: Max Schulze
Student: Hilary Vipond

7 December 2021
Ward Intergenerational Mobility in American History: Accounting for race and measurement error

Faculty: Chris Minns
Student: Ziming Zhu


20 October 2020
Court A Reassessment of the Great Divergence Debate: Towards a reconciliation of apparently distinct determinants

Faculty: Tirthankar Roy (cancelled at last moment because of emergency)
Student: Nora Qiu

1 December 2020
Nunn History as Evolution

Faculty: Mary Morgan
Student: Juliana Jaramillo

16 February 2021
Esteves and Mesevage Social Networks in Economic History: Opportunities and challenges

Faculty: Patrick Wallis
Student: Aurelius Noble

2 March 2021
Ogilvie Thinking Carefully about Inclusiveness: Evidence from European Guilds

Faculty Oliver Volckart
Student: Juan Jose Rivas Moreno

8 June 2021
Voth Persistence: Myth and mystery

Faculty: Gerben Bakker
Student: Felix Schaff


15 October 2019
Kelly Standard Errors of Persistence

Faculty: Joan Roses
Student: Andrea Ramazotti

19 November 2019
Abramitsky et al Automated Linking of Historical Data

Faculty: Chris Minns
Student: Charlie Udale

28 January 2020
Rosenthal Seeking a Quantitative Middle Ground: Reflections on methods and opportunities in Economic History and Flandreau Border Crossing

Faculty: Leigh Gardner
Student: Alka Raman

10 March 2020
Olsson and Paik A Western Reversal Since the Neolithic? The Long-Run Impact of Early Agriculture

Faculty: Neil Cummins
Student: Mario Cuenda-Garcia

16 June 2020
Schneider Collider Bias in Economic History Research

Faculty: Eric Schneider