

In addition to the annual FH workshop and workshops related to the general interests of group members, the LSE Financial History Group hosts additional events, details of which are below.


Any happy returns: structural changes & super cycles in markets
Peter C. Oppenheimer, Chief Global Equity Strategist, Goldman Sachs

Tuesday 30 January 2024 6.30-8.00pm        

In his new book, which forms the basis of this event, Oppenheimer discusses how structural changes in macroeconomic drivers, geopolitics, government policy and social attitudes all combine to drive secular super cycles that help to explain investor returns. He focuses on what he calls the Post-Modern cycle, what it's likely to look like, how it will unfold and what investors should focus on.

For more information, including a link to a recording of the event, visit the event page: Any happy returns


  • Inflation, Pandemic and War: Is this time really different?

    Monday 13 February 2023, 4-5.30pm, Online

    World economies are facing a troika of challenges in the form of war (in Ukraine), disease (COVID19) and return of inflation, all of which has led to dampened growth globally. How far are these challenges, individually and as a combination, new, and what lessons can we draw from the history?

    Featuring Dr Tehreem Husain & Dr Natacha Postel-Vinay (LSE), and Professor D'Maris Cofman (UCL).

  • Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay! A Popular History of Taxes

    Film screening hosted by Natacha Postel-Vinay (LSE)

    24 October 2022, 6.30pm

    Without taxation there is no government. Taxation is essential, but who is to pay, and for what? For centuries people have fought over these questions, and these fights have been at the heart of the development and crises of democracy, from Magna Carta through the French Revolution to the Global Financial Crisis and the Pandemic. Bringing together internationally renowned academic experts and policymakers, this gripping documentary retraces this fascinating history across France, Britain and Germany from the Middle Ages to the present day. 

    In-person event – full information here.


  • Do financial sanctions work? Lessons from history.

    Panellists: Olivier Accominotti, Albrecht Ritschl

    Chair: Mary Morgan

    Wednesday 9 March 2022, 6:00-7:30pm

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been strongly condemned by governments around the world. American and European leaders have imposed a wave of economic and financial sanctions against Russia. What is the purpose of these sanctions? How effective will they be in counteracting the Russian government’s military goals? And what will be their economic and political consequences in Russia, Europe and the United States? This panel event brings together experts in financial history Olivier Accominotti and Albrecht Ritschl to present a historical perspective on these burning issues. Panellists will discuss how economic sanctions have been used in the past, for what purpose and with what success. The event will ask how financial history can help us understand these current events.

    More information, including a link to the recording, can be found here: Do financial sanctions work? Lessons from history

  • Pandemic Public Finance: How historic is it?

    2 November 2021, 6.00pm. Online

    This panel discussion with Professor Graciela L Kaminsky, Professor Carmen M. Reinhart, and Professor Thomas J Sargent, chaired by Professor Olivier Accominotti, will examine the fiscal challenges brought about by the pandemic.

    If you missed it, a recording is available on the event page