

Economic History events in Autumn Term

In case you missed it in June, a recording of Ed Glaeser's Lecture is available here.

You can watch the recordings of any events you may have missed by visiting our Events Page, and clicking on the relevant links.  Please do visit that page regularly as details of events planned for 2023-24 will be posted there first.


Events in Autumn Term 2023-24

Inaugural Lecture, Professor Eric Schneider, Thursday 16th November 6.30pm (Auditorium, Centre Building and online)
Trends and determinants of global child malnutrition: what can we learn from history?


Eric Schneider will present his Inaugural lecture in which he will explore how child malnutrition, measured through child growth, has changed over the past 150 years around the world.
For more information, including how to register, see the event page here.

Public Lecture, Professor Mary Morgan, Thursday 23rd November, 6.30pm (Auditorium, Centre Building)
How economics changes the world

Professor Mary Morgan

To mark her presidency of the Royal Economic Society, Professor Mary Morgan will give a lecture looking at whether economists' ideas change the ways the economic world works.
For more information, see the event page here.


We are also hosting two book launches:

On 10th October, 7pm (PAN G01, Pankhurst House), Maxine Berg and Pat Hudson will lead a panel discussion of two or three short talks around the themes and purpose, regarding its relation to existing historiography, of their new book Slavery, Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution.

Hudson & Berg

For more information, see the event page here.

On 26th October, 6.30pm (Old Theatre, Old Building and online), Martin Daunton will give a public lecture on his new book The Economic Government of the World, 1933-2023

Daunton book cover

 For more information, including how to register, see the event page here.