
Urban Sustainability, Technology and Justice

Current research projects


Shaping an Eco-Kuwait: A Policy Framework for Sustainable Living

This project aims to provide evidence-based data and policy recommendations for a more sustainable and resilient future in Kuwait by assessing governance, understanding behavior drivers, and proposing innovative public engagement strategies.


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Re-thinking Green Transitions

A participatory research project bringing young people to the heart of public and policy debates around the green transition in Islington. Delivered in partnership with Islington Council.


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This project looks at Individual Mobility Budgets as a foundation for Social and Ethical Carbon Reduction


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Towards a Hybrid Cities Programme

A pilot study exploring the evolving relationship between physical and digital urban spaces and its impact on future urban development.


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Beyond Car Ownership

This project seeks to look beyond the rational underpinnings of car ownership and to explore the emotional, often hidden determinants of car purchases.



NCE Coalition for Urban Transitions: National Policy workstream

The Coalition for Urban Transitions is a Special Initiative of the New Climate Economy (NCE). LSE Cities co-leads research into national policy tools available to facilitate more compact and connected urban growth in collaboration with the OECD.



Urban Mobility Transitions

The Urban Mobility Transitions study incorporates an urban living and mobility survey to gauge the scope for new forms of urban mobility in London and Berlin.



Completed research projects

Urban Growth Analytics for Addis Ababa

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An analytical project under the Addis Ababa Urban Age Task Force initiative.

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Roads as Tools for (dis)connecting Cities and Neighbourhoods: a socio-spatial study of Abu Dhabi


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This project investigates the impact of road infrastructure on urban life in Abu Dhabi. It explores its challenges and opportunities, looking at the integration of road infrastructure in urban planning processes, as well as the effect of existing road infrastructure on city mobility and the environment.

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Public Space in Kuwait



From user behaviour to policy-making, Public Space in Kuwait develops a method to explore the relationship between the built environment and the use of public space in Kuwait’s residential neighbourhoods.

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Seed funded: Urban Compactness, Ambient Air Pollution and Health



This LSE Cities’ seed fund project aims to use statistical geography to estimate and more accurately measure the causal effect of urban compactness on local air pollution concentrations.

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New Climate Economy: Cities Research Programme


The New Climate Economy (NCE) is the flagship project of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate. LSE Cities lead the NCE research programme on cities from 2013–2014, which has since expanded into the NCE Coalition for Urban Transitions.

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NCE Coalition for Urban Transitions: Finance workstream


The Coalition for Urban Transitions is an international initiative to support decision makers to meet the objective of unlocking the power of cities for enhanced national economic, social, and environmental performance, including reducing the risk of climate change. From 2016–2017, LSE Cities co-led research for the Financing the Urban Transition workstream together with PwC. 

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Resource Urbanisms


The Resource Urbanisms project is co-funded by the LSE Kuwait Programme and aims to examine multiple aspects of how natural resources, urban form and infrastructure affect each other and potentially lead to the establishment of divergent forms of urbanism.

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RAMSES is a European research project which aims to deliver much needed quantified evidence of the impacts of climate change and the costs and benefits of a wide range of adaptation measures, focusing on cities.

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The Economics of Green Cities


The Economics of Green Cities was a global collaborative programme, chaired by Lord Stern, which focused on the effects of early action versus delayed action green policies.

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Randstad/South East England regional study


The report brings together the findings of an interdisciplinary collaboration between LSE Cities, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.

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UNEP green economy report


LSE Cities was commissioned by UNEP to coordinate the research and delivery of two main chapters and supporting and technical reports on Green Buildings and Green Cities. The report was launched on 25 February 2011.

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Going Green City Survey


The City Survey on Green Policy involved a global survey of one hundred cities and in-depth research on efforts to build the green economy in eight selected cities. Preliminary results were published for the United Nations Rio+20 Summit and the Global Green Growth Forum in Copenhagen during 2012.

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Cities and Energy: Urban morphology and residential heat demand


This research investigated the impact of basic building configurations on a modelled, theoretical heat energy demand for the most dominant residential housing typologies in London, Paris, Berlin and Istanbul.

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Intelligent Cities 


This research project involved site-specific analysis related to the London Queen Elizabeth Park / Olympic legacy developments, focusing on sustainable transport and green energy solutions.

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