Beck, K. and Kaune, M. (2025). Early Childhood Development and Cities. LSE Cities Working Paper. Rode, P. (2024) 'Car Use Budgets: Mode-specific Sufficiency for Cities'. (24 July 2024). LSE Cities Working Papers Rode, P. and Bhargava, S. (2024). Hybrid Cities: Conceptual Framework. LSE Cities Working Paper. Rode, P. and Bhargava, S. (2024). Hybrid Cities: Literature Review. LSE Cities Working Paper. Hügler, B., Flynn, R., Heeckt, C., da Cruz, N.F., Herrmann, A., Rode, P. (2023). What keeps us driving? Exploring sociodemographic patterns and underlying motives of mode choice in cities. LSE Cities Working Paper. King, J., Sajjad, F., Ahmed, S. (2022). Ethnographic mapping as a critical pedagogical tool in planning and architecture. Research Strand 03 (September 2022). LSE Cities Working Papers. Gazdar, H., Bux Mallah, H. (2022). Traditional municipal sweepers in Faisalabad and Karachi. Research Strand 03 (September 2022). LSE Cities Working Papers. Beall, J. (2022). Unruly order: the role of sweepers in municipal solid waste management in 1990s Faisalabad, Pakistan. Research Strand 03 (September 2022). LSE Cities Working Papers. Beall, J., Ali, M., Ahmed, S., Ahmed, S., Desta, H., Gebremariam, E. , da Cruz, N.F. (2022). Why Integrated Solid Waste Management is so elusive – learning from Africa and Asia. Research Strand 03 (May 2022). LSE Cities Working Papers. Rode, P. (2022) 'Enabling sufficiency: towards an actionable concept of fairness in mobility and accessibility'. MyFairShare - Individual Mobility Budgets as a Foundation for Social and Ethical Carbon Reduction Working Paper, (14 March 2022). LSE Cities Working Papers. Gomes, A., Al-Ragam, A. and AlShalfan, S. (2021) Reclaiming public space in Kuwait’s residential neighbourhoods: an applied policy-oriented approach. Kuwait Programme paper series (8). LSE Middle East Centre, London, UK. Rode, P. (2019). Climate Emergency and Cities - An urban-led mobilisation?. (October 2019). LSE Cities Working Papers Ahmad, E., Dowling, D., Chan, D., Colenbrander,. S, and Godfrey, N. (2019). Scaling up investment for sustainable urban infrastructure: A guide to national and subnational reform. London and Washington, DC. Rode, P., Heeckt, C., da Cruz, N.F. (2019). National Transport Policy and Cities: Key policy interventions to drive compact and connected urban growth. Coalition for Urban Transitions. London and Washington, DC. Cirolia, L. and Rode, P. (2019). Urban infrastructure and development. (January 2019). LSE Cities Working Papers. da Cruz, N.F. (2018). Urban Infrastructure in Political Science and Public Administration. Governing Infrastructure Interfaces, Research Note 03 (September 2018). LSE Cities working paper. Philipp, R. (2018). Urban Infrastructure in Transport Studies and Planning. Governing Infrastructure Interfaces, Research Note 02 (September 2018). LSE Cities Working Papers. Di Nunzio, M. (2018). Anthropology of Infrastructure. Governing Infrastructure Interfaces, Research Note 01 (June 2018). LSE Cities working paper. Floater, G., Dowling, D., Chan, D., Ulterino, M., Braunstein, J., McMinn, T., and Ahmad, E. (2017). Global Review of Finance For Sustainable Urban Infrastructure. Coalition for Urban Transitions. London and Washington, DC. Rode, P., Heeckt, C., Ahrend, R., Melchor, O. H, Robert, A., Badstuber, N., Hoolachan, A., and Kwami, C. (2017). Integrating national policies to deliver compact, connected cities: an overview of transport and housing. Coalition for Urban Transitions. London and Washington, DC. Floater, G., Dowling, D., Chan, D., Ulterino, M., Braunstein, J., McMinn, T. (2017). Financing the Urban Transition: Policymakers’ Summary. Coalition for Urban Transitions. London and Washington, DC. Frug, G.E. (2017). 'The City: Public or Private?'. LSE Cities Working Papers. Rode, P., Kandt, J., and Baker, K. (2016). Access to the city: transport, urban form and social exclusion in São Paulo, Mumbai and Istanbul. LSE Cities Working Papers. Floater, G., Heeckt, C., Ulterino, M., Mackie, L., Rode, P., Bhardwaj, A., Carvalho, M., Gill, D., Bailey, T. and Huxley, R. (2016). Co-Benefits of Urban Climate Action: a Framework for Cities. Working Paper by the Economics of Green Cities Programme, LSE Cities, London School of Economics and Political Science. United Nations General Assembly Document, 'Urban Governance, Capacity and Institutional Development', June 2016 da Cruz, N.F. (2016). A Brief Inquiry into the Uses of Measurement and Benchmarking in Local Governance. LSE Cities Working Papers. Habitat III Policy Unit 4 (co-led by LSE Cities and UCLG), Urban Governance, Capacity and Institutional Development - Final Paper. March 2016 Costa, H. and Floater, G. (2016). Economic costs of heat and flooding in cities: Cost and economic data for the European Clearinghouse databases. RAMSES project. Rode, P. (2015). Integrated governance as privileging key policy links: The case of strategic planning in London and Berlin. LSE Cities Working Papers. NUG papers – Foresight seminar series – Mitleton-Kelly, E. (2015). Urban Governance: A Complexity Theory Approach in New Urban Governance: Urban complexity and institutional capacities of cities. London: LSE Cities.