Philipp Rode speaks at Daring Cities Conference



On 4-8 October, Daring Cities 2021 bring together the latest on urban sustainability from citymakers worldwide

Philipp Rode will be speaking at the session 'Daring cities and regions leading by example (II)' with Gonzalo Muñoz, High-Level Climate Action Champion, Chile, Lorna Slater, Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity, Scottish Government, UK, Geraldo Júlio de Mello Filho, State Secretary of Economic Development, State of Pernambuco, Brazil, Emilio Jatón, Mayor, City of Santa Fe, Argentina and Angie Fyfe, Executive Director, ICLEI US.

The panel will share exemplary cases of regional leaders who have not only declared a climate emergency, but are also rapidly advancing on 2030 targets towards climate neutrality by 2050, with innovative practices on integrating nature-based solutions and building on their experiences dealing with the COVID-19 emergency. The need, importance, and benefits of building partnerships within communities will also be highlighted.