

Hosted by the LSE Cities

Venue: LSE Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE, 54 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LJ


Laura Grace Ford

Laura Grace Ford

Owen Hatherley

Owen Hatherley


UPDATE: Due to unforeseen circumstances this event has been postponed. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. It is hoped the event will be rescheduled.


If you are planning to attend this event and would like details on how to get here and what time to arrive, as well as on accessibility and special requirements, please refer to LSE Events FAQ. LSE aims to ensure that people have equal access to these public events, but please contact the event’s organiser as far as possible in advance if you have any access requirements, so that arrangements, where possible, can be made. If the event is ticketed, please ensure you get in touch in advance of the ticket release date. Access Guides to all our venues can be viewed online.


Photographs are regularly taken at LSE events both by LSE staff and members of the media. Photographs from events taken by LSE staff are often used on LSE's social media accounts.

Social Media

You can get immediate notification on the availability of an LSE Cities event podcasts by following LSE Cities on Twitter (@LSECities)or Facebook (@LSECities), which will also inform you about the announcement of new events.

WIFI Access

If you are planning to attend this event and would like details on how to get here and what time to arrive, as well as on accessibility and special requirements, please refer to LSE Events FAQ.  LSE aims to ensure that people have equal access to these public events, but please contact the events organiser as far as possible in advance if you have any access requirements so that arrangements, where possible, can be made. If the event is ticketed, please ensure you get in touch in advance of the ticket release date. Access Guides to all our venues can be viewed online

This event is free and open to all, and no registration is required. Entry is on a first-come, first-served basis. Our events are very well attended, so please make sure you arrive early to avoid disappointment.