
Getting Started Guide

Executive MSc in Cities

This guide will prepare you for the LSE systems and platforms you'll gain access to after you have completed online pre-enrolment and set up your LSE IT account. Included are introductions and tutorials for LSE systems, helping you complete essential tasks like submitting assessments.

Access to these platforms will be gradually provided over August and September.

This guide will be periodically updated throughout the year. 


Once you have completed the pre-enrolment process you will be issued with an LSE username and email address. This will grant you access to your LSE email account and to other platforms such as Moodle, Zoom and the LSE Library.

  • Your LSE username will usually consist of a combination of your surname and a number – e.g. SMITH3 (there may be variation in this)
  • Your LSE email address will consist of your initials, your surname and sometimes a number – e.g. j.smith3@lse.ac.uk.

Most LSE platforms (such as email, Zoom and the Finance Hub) will prompt you to login with your LSE email address. Other platforms (such as Moodle and LSE For You) will prompt you to login with your LSE username. In both cases, you should use the same password that you created during the online pre-enrolment process.

LSE IT accounts use multi-factor authentication (also known as MFA) for added security. This adds an extra step to the login process where you verify your identity using your phone or other mobile device. The easiest way to do this is via the Microsoft Authenticator App. You will be given instructions on how to set up MFA and install the app on your phone as part of the IT account setup process.


Once you have completed online pre-enrolment, you should access your LSE email account. The programme team will use your LSE email address as the main means of contacting you once the programme is underway, so it is important that you are able to check this regularly.

The easiest way to access your LSE account is via LSE Webmail: http://mail.lse.ac.uk. Enter your LSE email address and password when prompted.

If you are not resident in the UK, then please take a few moments to set your email account to your own local time zone. This will allow calendar invites to show at the correct time, which is helpful for joining remote sessions. To do this, log into your LSE Webmail, then click on the cog icon in the top right of the window. Then type ‘time zone’ into the search bar. An option for ‘Time Zones’ should then appear – click on this and then use the new window to set your local time zone.

You may also find it convenient to set up LSE email on your own device. Information on how to do that can be found here (in the ‘Office 365’ section).

Alternatively, you can configure your LSE email account to automatically forward messages to a preferred account. To do this, log in to LSE Webmail using the instructions above. Then click on the cog icon in the top right of the window and choose ‘View all Outlook settings’. In the new window, click ‘Email’ then ‘Forwarding’ from the options on the left. Check the ‘Enable forwarding’ checkbox and enter your preferred email address. You should also check the option to keep copies of forwarded messages.

General systems

LSE for You (LfY)

This portal allows LSE Students to monitor and pay fees online as well as access your personal data.

Access Student LfY here.

Finance Hub

The Finance Hub operated by the Finance Division, has a core objective to offer you a convenient way to access your financial information.

Access Student Finance Hub here.

Student Hub

The best way to communicate with and connect to the LSE community, including booking appointments with your Academic Mentor and Supervisor.

Access Student Hub here.


Programme specific systems 


Purpose: Where you can find essential programme information, including the Programme Handbook, details for each live teaching week, reading lists, and session recordings on the Programme Homepage. You will also use Moodle to view assessment guidelines, submit assessments, and view feedback and marks on the Course page for each individual course you are taking.

When will I gain access: You will gain access to Moodle once you have set up your LSE IT Account. Your Pre-Enrolment email will have instrcuctions on how to access Moodle and the Programme Team will add you to course pages as and when they become available.

Tutorial/Resources: You can view the Moodle Quick Start Guide developed by the Programme for instructions on how to access and use Moodle. You can also refer to LSE’s resources on using Moodle here


Purpose: Online learning platform where you will access lectures, readings, and course materials required to prepare for live teaching weeks.  

When will I gain access: In early September, you will receive an email to your LSE email with details on activating your LearnWorlds account. LearnWorlds sessions are released approximately 14 days before each live teaching week and are released in batches. You will receive an email notification when the first batch is released and a timeline for subsequent releases.


Purpose: The primary platform by which all calls and live sessions will take place. You will need to use Zoom even if you plan on attending in person. You will be asked to keep your video on, sound off, and ensure your name is correctly displayed for reference. You will need headphones.

When will I gain access: Once you access your LSE IT account, you will be able to gain access to the LSE license for Zoom.

Tutorial/Resources: You can find instructions on how to download and log in here


Purpose: A 'Team' is created for each cohort, where you will be able to communicate with your classmates and collaborate on group work.

When will I gain access: The Programme Team will invite you to join a 'Team' for your cohort in August, where you will be able to communicate with your classmates as well as with faculty, and the Programme Team. As the programme goes on, you will be invited to join channels dedicated to your group, where you will be able to collaborate with your classmates.

Tutorial/Resources: If you are unfamiliar with Teams, you can find an Intro to Teams video on YouTube.


Purpose: MentiMeter is a tool to run polls, gather suggestions, engage with speakers, and rate/ vote different items.Faculty will use Mentimeter to survey participants on their thoughts and opinions on issues facing Cities during Learnworlds sessions. Your feedback will then be used in live sessions.

When will I gain access: You will not be required to create an account to use this tool. It will be embedded or linked to via Learnworlds. 


Purpose: CoDigital gathers propositions from everybody, and allows everybody to a) rate those and b) amend them. An algorithm calculates an aggregate preference list. The programme uses it to aid in group work and ideation during prepartory work done on Learnworlds ahead of workshops during the live Teaching Week.

When will I gain access: You will not be required to create an account to use this tool. It will be embedded or linked to via Learnworlds.

Tutorial/Resources: You will be provided with a short tutorial when you fiurst use CoDigital.


Purpose: Mural is a tool for collaborative working. The programme uses it during workshops scheduled during live Teaching Weeks. You will also find it a useful tool when it comes to running your own workshops in the EMC Lab.

When will I gain access: You will not be required to create an account to use this tool and will be embedded or linked to via Learnworlds. However, you may want to create an account during the EMC Lab. The free version of Mural allows you to create up to 5 mural boards.

Tutorial/Resources: An introduction to Mural will be included in your Learnworlds sessions when it comes time to use the tool. If you would like to get a head start and familiarise yourself with the platform now, we recommend watching tutorials on the YouTube channel.



Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions: exec.lsecities@lse.ac.uk. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Contact Us

+ 44 (0)20 7955 7326


LSE Cities, 8th Floor, Fawcett House, Clement's Inn, London, WC2A 2AE, United Kingdom

Need IT help?

020 7107 5000 | x5000 


Visit the IT helpdesk at the LSE Library (Tech Centre, 1st Floor)
Monday - Friday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday 11:00am - 6:00pm

See here for IT FAQs