Managing Uncertainty in Complex Models



The MUCM project was a collaboration between five universities: Sheffield, Aston, Southampton, Durham, and LSE and incorporates advisors from across the UK and Europe as well as the USA. The project was run by seven investigators, seven research assistants and four PhD students. See a list of MUCM Project Team members.

The MUCM project is concerned with quantifying and reducing uncertainty in the predictions of complex models across a wide range of application areas, including basic science, environmental science, engineering, technology, biosciences, and economics. The project is multi-disciplinary, and the unifying theme is a Bayesian statistical approach to inference.

At LSE the research team comprised of Professor Henry Wynn, who was the leading researcher; Research Officer Hugo Maruri-Aguilar, and Project Student Noha Youssef, who did her PhD under the MUCM umbrella.

Funded by
Research Councils UK

Grant reference

Principal investigator at LSE
Professor Henry Wynn

Project duration
June 2006 - December 2012

LSE Researchers
Dr Hugo Maruri Aguilar
Dr Noha Youssef

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