Travel to Conway Hall
For travel options from where you are, visit: Conway Hall on Google Maps
Taxi travel
For a fare estimate and to book with an eco-friendly taxi company, visit Green Tomato Cars.
Nearest Underground stations
Waterloo Underground Station (Bakerloo line, Jubilee line, Northern line, Waterloo & City line)
Embankment (Circle line, District line, Bakerloo line, Northern line)
Southwark (Jubilee line)
Nearest railway stations
Waterloo Station
To Conway Hall by car
The address for your satnav is: 51-55 Waterloo Rd, Lambeth, London SE1 8TX
Parking is very limited in Central London. To see the nearest car parks and on-street parking, visit: Parkopedia.
Conway Hall residents can get a ten per cent discount on any parking space across the UK booked via Please use the discount code CONWAYHALL10 when you book.
Congestion Charge and Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ)
Conway Hall is located inside the London’s Congestion Charge/Ultra Low Emission Zone area.
If you drive to Conway Hall on weekdays you need to pay the Congestion Charge. Visit: Congestion Charge
You also need to pay the ULEZ charge, if your car doesn’t meet ULEZ emissions standards. The ULEZ charge operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To check if your car meets the emission standards visit: ULEZ vehicle checker
Travel from here to LSE campus
Directions from Conway Hall to LSE campus on Google Maps.
Contact details
Tel: +44 (0)20 7928 1716