Mutually exclusive options

The following courses may not be taken together i.e. students can only take one or other of the listed courses (and as programme regulations permit):


Mutually exclusive course(s)

AC100 Elements of Accounting and Finance

AC104 Elements of Accounting, Financial Institutions and Financial Management

FM101 Finance

AC104 Elements of Accounting, Financial Institutions and Financial Management

AC100 Elements of Accounting and Finance

AC200 Accounting Theory and Practice

AC330 Financial Accounting, Analysis and Valuation.

AC330 Financial Accounting, Analysis and Valuation.

AC200 Accounting Theory and Practice

EC100 Economics A

EC102 Economics B

EC102 Economics B

EC100 Economics A

EC201 Microeconomic Principles I

MG207 Managerial Economics

EC202 Microeconomic Principles II

EC202 Microeconomic Principles II

MG207 Managerial Economics

EC201 Microeconomic Principles I

EC220 Introduction to Econometrics

ST203 Statistics for Management Sciences

ST205 Sample Surveys and Experiments

MG205 Econometrics: Theory and Applications

EC221 Principles of Econometrics

ST201 Statistical Models and Data Analysis

EC221 Principles of Econometrics

ST201 Statistical Models and Data Analysis

MG205 Econometrics: Theory and Applications

EC220 Introduction to Econometrics

ST203 Statistics for Management Sciences

ST205 Sample Surveys and Experiments

FM101 Finance

AC100 Elements of Accounting and Finance

FM212 Principles of Finance

FM213 Principles of Finance

FM213 Principles of Finance

FM212 Principles of Finance

GY200 Economy, Society and Space

GY206 Urban Geography and Globalisation

GY207 Economy, Society and Place

GY201 Urban and Spatial Economic Analysis I

GY209 The Economic Geography of Trade, Production and Development

GY210 The Economics of Cities

GY206 Urban Geography and Globalisation

GY200 Economy, Society and Space

GY207 Economy, Society and Place

GY200 Economy, Society and Space

GY209 The Economic Geography of Trade, Production and Development

GY201 Urban and Spatial Economic Analysis I

GY210 The Economics of Cities

GY201 Urban and Spatial Economic Analysis I

GY240 Research Techniques (Spatial, Social and Environmental)

GY245 Quantitative Methods in Geography

GY246 Field Methods in Geography

GY247 Field Methods in Geography with Economics

GY245 Quantitative Methods in Geography

GY240 Research Techniques (Spatial, Social and Environmental)

GY2A0 Research Techniques (Spatial, Social and Environmental)

GY246 Field Methods in Geography

GY240 Research Techniques (Spatial, Social and Environmental)

GY2A0 Research Techniques (Spatial, Social and Environmental)

GY247 Field Methods in Geography with Economics

GY240 Research Techniques (Spatial, Social and Environmental)

GY2A0 Research Techniques (Spatial, Social and Environmental)

GY2A0 Research Techniques (Spatial, Social and Environmental)

GY245 Quantitative Methods in Geography

GY246 Field Methods in Geography

GY247 Field Methods in Geography with Economics

GY300 Theories of Regional Development and Change

GY308 The Economic Geography of Growth and Development

GY307 Regional Economic Development

GY301 The Political Geography of Development and the South

GY309 The Political Geography of Development

GY302 Urban Development: Politics, Policy and Planning

GY310 Urban Politics

GY311 The Political Economy of Urbanisation

GY303 The Geography of Gender: Global Perspectives

GY312 Geographies of Gender in the Global South

GY316 Gender in High Income and Emerging Economies

GY305 Urban and Spatial Economic Analysis II

GY314 The Economics of Housing Markets and Migration

GY313 Firms and Economic Geography: Location, Technology and Innovation

GY306 Geographies of Race

GY315 Geographies of Race

GY307 Regional Economic Development

GY300 Theories of Regional Development and Change

GY308 The Economic Geography of Growth and Development

GY300 Theories of Regional Development and Change

GY309 The Political Geography of Development

GY301 The Political Geography of Development and the South

GY310 Urban Politics

GY302 Urban Development: Politics, Policy and Planning

GY311 The Political Economy of Urbanisation

GY302 Urban Development: Politics, Policy and Planning

GY312 Geographies of Gender in the Global South

GY303 The Geography of Gender: Global Perspectives

GY313 Firms and Economic Geography: Location, Technology and Innovation

GY314 The Economics of Housing Markets and Migration

GY305 Urban and Spatial Economic Analysis II

GY314 The Economics of Housing Markets and Migration

GY305 Urban and Spatial Economic Analysis II

GY313 Firms and Economic Geography: Location, Technology and Innovation

GY315 Geographies of Race

GY306 Geographies of Race

GY316 Gender in High Income and Emerging Economies

GY303 The Geography of Gender: Global Perspectives

GY324 Environmental Governance

GY326 Sustainable Business and Finance

GY327 Global Environmental Governance

GY325 Environment and Development

GY328 Political Ecology of Development

GY329 Applied Economics of Environment and Development

GY326 Sustainable Business and Finance

GY324 Environmental Governance

GY327 Global Environmental Governance

GY324 Environmental Governance

GY328 Political Ecology of Development

GY325 Environment and Development

GY329 Applied Economics of Environment and Development

GY325 Environment and Development

HY203 The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Nationalism, Territory, Religion

HY328 The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Nationalism, Territory, Religion

HY325 Retreat from Power: British foreign and defence policy, 1931-68

HY327 The Anglo-American Special Relationship, 1939-89

HY327 The Anglo-American Special Relationship, 1939-89

HY325 Retreat from Power: British foreign and defence policy, 1931-68

HY328 The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Nationalism, Territory, Religion

HY203 The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Nationalism, Territory, Religion

IR312 Genocide

SO309 Atrocity and Justice

MA100 Mathematical Methods

MA207 Further Quantitative Methods (Mathematics)

ST107 Quantitative Methods (Statistics)

MA110 Basic Quantitative Methods

MA107 Quantitative Methods (Mathematics)

MA107 Quantitative Methods (Mathematics)

MA110 Basic Quantitative Methods

ST102 Elementary Statistical Theory

MA100 Mathematical Methods

MA110 Basic Quantitative Methods

MA107 Quantitative Methods (Mathematics)

ST107 Quantitative Methods (Statistics)

MA100 Mathematical Methods

MA207 Further Quantitative Methods (Mathematics)

MA100 Mathematical Methods

MA300 Game Theory

MA301 Game Theory I

MA301 Game Theory I

MA300 Game Theory

MG102 Organisational Behaviour

MG203 Organisational Theory and Behaviour

MG201 Core Disciplines II: Marketing, Human Resource Management and Information Systems

MG314 Principles of Marketing

MG212 Marketing

MG213 Information Systems

MG214 Human Resource Management

MG203 Organisational Theory and Behaviour

MG102 Organisational Behaviour

MG205 Econometrics: Theory and Applications

EC220 Introduction to Econometrics

EC221 Principles of Econometrics

MG207 Managerial Economics

EC201 Microeconomic Principles I

EC202 Microeconomic Principles II

MG212 Marketing

MG314 Principles of Marketing

MG201 Core Disciplines II: Marketing, Human Resource Management and Information Systems

MG213 Information Systems

MG314 Principles of Marketing

MG201 Core Disciplines II: Marketing, Human Resource Management and Information Systems

MG214 Human Resource Management

MG314 Principles of Marketing

MG201 Core Disciplines II: Marketing, Human Resource Management and Information Systems

MG303 International Business Strategy and Emerging Markets

MG307 International Context of Management

MG307 International Context of Management

MG303 International Business Strategy and Emerging Markets

MG314 Principles of Marketing

MG212 Marketing

MG213 Information Systems

MG214 Human Resource Management

MG201 Core Disciplines II: Marketing, Human Resource Management and Information Systems

PH101 Logic

PH104 Formal Methods of Philosophical Argumentation

PH104 Formal Methods of Philosophical Argumentation

PH101 Logic

SA218 Criminological Perspectives

SO210 Crime, Deviance and Control

SO210 Crime, Deviance and Control

SA218 Criminological Perspectives

SO309 Atrocity and Justice

IR312 Genocide

ST102 Elementary Statistical Theory

MA107 Quantitative Methods (Mathematics)

ST107 Quantitative Methods (Statistics)

ST108 Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences

ST107 Quantitative Methods (Statistics)

ST102 Elementary Statistical Theory

MA100 Mathematical Methods

MA110 Basic Quantitative Methods

ST108 Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences

ST108 Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences

ST102 Elementary Statistical Theory

ST107 Quantitative Methods (Statistics)

ST201 Statistical Models and Data Analysis

EC221 Principles of Econometrics

ST203 Statistics for Management Sciences

EC220 Introduction to Econometrics

ST203 Statistics for Management Sciences

EC220 Introduction to Econometrics

ST205 Sample Surveys and Experiments

ST201 Statistical Models and Data Analysis

EC221 Principles of Econometrics

ST205 Sample Surveys and Experiments

EC220 Introduction to Econometrics

ST203 Statistics for Management Sciences

EC221 Principles of Econometrics

ST307 Aspects of Market Research

ST327 Market Research: An Integrated Approach

ST327 Market Research: An Integrated Approach

ST307 Aspects of Market Research