Photo of Shira Ahissar
Shira Ahissar

Biographical Info

Areas of interest: Political philosophy. Ethics. Philosophy of language.

Direct to MA (Tel Aviv University) Philosophy and Adi Lautman Interdisciplinary Program

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Lea Bourguignon
Lea Bourguignon

Biographical Info

Pronouns: she/her

Areas of interest: Normative ethics. Applied ethics. Metaethics.

MPhil Stud (UCL) Philosophy (2021); MSc (LSE) Philosophy and Public Policy (2018); BA (RHUL) Modern History and Politics (2016)

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Rebecca Dreier
Rebecca Dreier

Biographical Info

Pronouns: she/her

Areas of interest: Philosophy of Mind, (Social) Epistemology, Ethics of both animal and artificial intelligence

BA and MA in Philosophy at the University of Tübingen.

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Anna Dvorishchina
Anna Dvorishchina

Biographical Info

Pronouns: she/her
Areas of interest: normative and applied ethics, legal philosophy, especially philosophy of criminal law

BSc Politics and Philosophy (LSE), MA Philosophy (King’s College London)

Categories: PhD Students
Updated 6 months ago. Return to top.
Photo of Dominic Ede
Dominic Ede

Biographical Info

Pronouns: he/him

Areas of interest: Philosophy of physics, statistical mechanics, and general philosophy of science

BSc (Imperial College London) Physics (2020); MSc (LSE) Philosophy of Science (2022)

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Talita Ferrantelli
Talita Ferrantelli

Biographical Info

Pronouns: she/her


Areas of interest: Legal and Political Philosophy, Feminist and Social Epistemology

MSc (University of Amsterdam) Political Theory; MA (University of Amsterdam) Philosophy; BA (Fundacao Getúlio Vargas) Law.

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Korbinian Friedl
Korbinian Friedl

Biographical Info

Pronouns: he/him

Areas of interest: Social Epistemology & Social Choice, Political Philosophy, Logic, Aesthetics

BA Philosophy (2016, Munich School of Philosophy); BSc Mathematics (2019, Humboldt-University Berlin and UC Berkeley); MSc Artificial Intelligence (2020, Imperial College London); MA Logic and Philosophy of Science (2023, MCMP – Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich)

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Hanika Froneman
Hanika Froneman

Biographical Info

Pronouns: she/her


Areas of interest: Political and social epistemology, philosophy of science, applied philosophy

MA Philosophy (Stellenbosch University)

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Ze’ev Goldschmidt
Ze’ev Goldschmidt

Biographical Info

Areas of interest: Epistemology. Decision theory. Formal Semantics.

MA (Hebrew University) Philosophy; BA Philosophy, Economics and Political Science (Hebrew University).

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Adam Hudson
Adam Hudson

Biographical Info

Pronouns: he/him
Areas of interest: Ethics, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law

BSc Politics and Philosophy (LSE); MPhil Stud Philosophical Studies (UCL)

Categories: PhD Students
Updated 6 months ago. Return to top.
Photo of Katariina Hynninen
Katariina Hynninen

Biographical Info

Pronouns: she/her

Areas of interest: Animal sentience, animal communication. Philosophy of biology. Philosophy of mind. Philosophy of language.

MSc (Hólar University) Aquatic Biology (2021); BA (University of Helsinki) Theoretical Philosophy

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Vita Kudryavtseva
Vita Kudryavtseva

Biographical Info

Pronouns: she/her


Areas of interest: Decision Theory (Uncertainty), Philosophy of Probability, Philosophy of Imagination, Social Ontology.

MA in Liberal Arts with a focus on philosophy and theology (St.John’s College, Annapolis, MD); MSc in Quantitative and Computational Finance (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA); BSc (HSE University, Moscow, Russia).

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Chen Liu
Chen Liu

Biographical Info

Pronouns: he/him
Areas of interest: Formal epistemology, Decision theory

MA (Wuhan University) Philosophy of Science and Technology (2024); BA (Wuhan University) Philosophy (2020)

Categories: PhD Students
Updated 6 months ago. Return to top.
Photo of Arlene Lo
Arlene Lo

Biographical Info

Pronouns: she/her


Areas of interest: Social epistemology. Philosophy of science

MPhysPhil (Oxford) Physics and Philosophy (2021)

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Franco Menares-Paredes
Franco Menares-Paredes

Biographical Info

Pronouns: he/him
Areas of interest: Formal Epistemology. Social Epistemology. General Philosophy of Science. Scientific Methodology. Artificial Intelligence.

MSc (Carnegie Mellon University) Logic, Computation and Methodology; Diploma (Universidad de Chile) Fundamentals of Physics; BA (Universidad de Chile) Philosophy

Categories: PhD Students
Updated 6 months ago. Return to top.
Photo of Paloma Morales
Paloma Morales

Biographical Info

Pronouns: she/her

Areas of interest: Applied ethics, normative ethics and political philosophy. Especially theories of distributive justice, ethics of parenthood and children’s rights.

MSc (LSE) Conflict Studies (2021); BSc (LSE) Philosophy, Politics and Economics (2020)

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Puneh Nejati-Mehr
Puneh Nejati-Mehr

Biographical Info

Pronouns: she/her
Areas of interest: Formal/Social Epistemology. Philosophy of Probability. Philosophy of Action. Philosophy of Language. Philosophy of Mind.

MA Philosophy (2023, Humboldt-University Berlin, University of St Andrews (SASP), and University of Leeds), BA Philosophy and German Studies (2022, Humboldt-University Berlin)

Categories: PhD Students
Updated 6 months ago. Return to top.
Photo of Alexander Niederklapfer
Alexander Niederklapfer

Biographical Info

Pronouns: he/him

Areas of interest: Philosophy of quantum physics. General philosophy of physics. Philosophy of science. Philosophy of mathematics.

MA (MCMP, Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich) Logic and Philosophy of Science (2020); BA (Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich) General and Indoeuropean Lingustics (2017); BSc (Johannes-Kepler-University Linz) Technical Mathematics (2013)

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Andrea Petrou
Andrea Petrou

Biographical Info

Areas of interest: Formal Epistemology. Decision theory. Ethics. Metaethics. Philosophy of science

MPhil (Cambridge) Philosophy (2020); BA (UCL) Philosophy (2019)

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of eva read
eva read

Biographical Info

Areas of interest: Animal sentience, welfare and ethics. Well-being. Philosophy of science.

MSc (Exeter) Animal Behaviour (2020); BSc (Plymouth) Animal Behaviour and Welfare (2018).

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Rafael Ruiz de Lira
Rafael Ruiz de Lira

Biographical Info

Pronouns: he/him


Areas of interest: Metaethics. Normative Ethics. Political Philosophy. The intersection between philosophy and social science.

MA (Pompeu Fabra University) Political Philosophy (2021), MA (KCL) Philosophy (2020)

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Dominic Ryder
Dominic Ryder

Biographical Info

Pronouns: he/him


Areas of interest: Foundations and Interpretation of Contemporary Theoretical Physics, General Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Time, Philosophy of Science.

University of Bristol MSci Physics and Philosophy (2016-2020); University of Cambridge MASt Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (2021)

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Moritz Schnorpfeil
Moritz Schnorpfeil

Biographical Info

Pronouns: he/him
Areas of interest: Political Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of AI and Innovation

BA Philosophy, Politics & Economics (Oxford), MA Political Philosophy (Pompeu Fabra)

Categories: PhD Students
Updated 5 months ago. Return to top.
Photo of Somayeh Tohidi
Somayeh Tohidi

Biographical Info

Areas of interest: Formal epistemology. Social epistemology. Decision theory. General issues in philosophy of science.

MSc (LSE) Philosophy of Science (2015); MA (Simon Fraser University) Philosophy; BSc (Sharif University of Technology, Tehran) Chemical Engineering.

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Mikhail Volkov
Mikhail Volkov

Biographical Info

Areas of interest: Game Theory. Computational Models. Social and Political Philosophy. Metaethics.

BSc (LSE) Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method; MA (MCMP, LMU Munich) Logic and Philosophy of Science

Categories: PhD Students
Updated 6 months ago. Return to top.
Photo of Kangyu Wang
Kangyu Wang

Biographical Info

Areas of interest: Moral and political philosophy. Philosophy of economics. Rationality and practical reason. Freedom. Wellbeing.

MSc (LSE) Philosophy and Public Policy (2020); LL.B. (Renmin University of China) PPE (2019).

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Adam Wingårdh
Adam Wingårdh

Biographical Info

Pronouns: he/him


Areas of interest: Moral and Political Philosophy

MSc (LSE) Philosophy and Public Policy (2021); BA (Durham University) Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (2019)


Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Bele Wollesen
Bele Wollesen

Biographical Info

Pronouns: she/her

Areas of interest: Algorithmic Game Theory. Computational Social Choice. Rationality. Philosophy of Economics.

MSc (Carnegie Mellon University) Logic, Computation, and Methodology (2020); BA (Bayreuth University) Philosophy and Economics (2018)

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Zhongwei Xu
Zhongwei Xu

Biographical Info

Pronouns: he/him

Areas of interest: decision theory (ambiguity), philosophy of social science (social ontology)

MSc (LSE) Philosophy of the Social Sciences (2021), BSc (University of Nottingham, Ningbo China) International Business and Economics (2020)

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Daria Zakharova
Daria Zakharova

Biographical Info

Pronouns: she/her


Areas of interest: Mind, biological cognition and artificial intelligence. Scientific epistemology. Politics.

MA (Humboldt University Berlin) Philosophy; BA (Freie University Berlin) Social and Cultural Anthropology, Philosophy

Categories: PhD Students
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Photo of Binjie Zou
Binjie Zou

Biographical Info

Pronouns: she/her
Areas of interest: Formal social epistemology. Philosophy of science. Philosophy of physics.

MSci (KCL) Philosophy and Physics; MPhil (Cambridge) History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine

Categories: PhD Students
Updated 6 months ago. Return to top.