
Lay Participation in Criminal Proceedings - Seminar 1

Hosted by the Department of Law

Zoom Webinar


Jodie Blackstock


Professor Penny Cooper

ICPR, Birkbeck, University of London

Phil Bowen

Centre for Justice Innovation

Rabah Kherbane

Doughty Street Chambers


Dr Abenaa Owusu-Bempah

London School of Economics and Political Science

This event was recorded on 23 June, 2020. Please click here to listen to the audio recording of the event.  

Click here for Jodie Blackstock's slides.

Click here for Penny Cooper's slides.

The LSE Department of Law is pleased to announce the first in a series of online seminars on Lay Participation in Criminal Proceedings. 

Over the past two decades, there have been significant legal developments aimed at securing and enhancing the participation of complainants, witnesses and defendants in criminal trials. These developments include a statutory scheme for the use of special measures, the introduction of ground rules hearings, and changes to the rules on examination of vulnerable witnesses. Yet, there continue to be substantial barriers to the meaningful participation of lay people in criminal proceedings. These barriers are likely to be exacerbated by greater use of technology and changes to procedure as a response to COVID-19.

The seminars will bring together academics, practitioners, policymakers, and other interested individuals, to discuss the role and experiences of lay participants in criminal proceedings, and encourage critical analysis of the concept of participation. By attending, you will be helping to contribute to a better understanding of what it means for ordinary, lay people to participate in criminal trials, why participation is important, and what changes are necessary to facilitate meaningful participation.

Lay Participation in Criminal Proceedings - Seminar 1

Jodie Blackstock (JUSTICE): “Understanding Courts: Are lay participants effectively participating?” 

Professor Penny Cooper (ICPR, Birkbeck, University of London): “Intermediaries and Communication Assistance: Drawing international comparisons as the profession grows” 

Phil Bowen (Centre for Justice Innovation): “Respect, Understanding, Helpfulness and Voice in Youth Courts in England and Wales” 

Rabah Kherbane (Doughty Street Chambers) – “In Practice: The realities of lay participation within the criminal justice process”

About the Department of Law

The LSE Department of Law (@LSELaw) is one of the world’s best law schools. The department ranked first for research outputs in the UK's most recent Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014) and was in the top 5 law departments overall in the 2018 Complete University Guide. Our staff play a major role in helping to shape policy debates, and in the education of current and future lawyers and legal scholars from around the world.

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