Professor Tiziana Leone

Professor Tiziana Leone

Professor in Health and International Development | Deputy Head of Department

Department of International Development

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English, French, Italian
Key Expertise
Women's Health, Demography, Ageing, Reproductive Health

About me

Tiziana Leone is a Professor at the London School of Economics. Tiziana’s research agenda is focused around maternal and reproductive health, including a lifecourse approach to women’s health. She is currently analysing secondary data on the linkages that menarche, menopause and mid-life age have on fertility outcomes and health in later life. She has collaborated in expert roles with international organisations (eg: WHO, UNFPA and UNICEF) in tracking the progress of the MDGs and SDGs in LMICs in maternal and child health.

Before working in academia she was a statistician in the UN Statistics Division where she coordinated technical cooperation on census and civil registration data collection in Low Income Countries. As a social statistician she has worked within multidisciplinary teams in linking up data from different sources and of different nature (eg: qualitative and quantitative) using a range of innovative methods (from longitudinal analysis, pathway analysis, to mixed methods to quasi experimental analysis). She focuses on the secondary analyses of data sources in innovative ways in order to construct longitudinal analysis in datasets where only cross-sectional data are available (e.g.: User fees work in SAA and Palestinian data projects). She has held several grants which included international collaborations in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

A list of Professor Leone's publications with live links can be found here

Expertise Details

applied social statistics; demographic data; demography; developing countries; health; population studies; reproductive health