Important note: If you use the data provided here for your own research, please provide full and correct citation to the article of mine where you have the data from. You need to open the data in STATA and then run the do-file. To be successful you may have to increase memory allocated to STATA and matsize. You may also have to amend certain paths in the do-files to existing folders on your computer. Time permitting, I hope to add further datasets in future. Please report any errors to
Winning or Losing in Investor-to-State Dispute Resolution: The Role of Arbitrator Bias and Experience (with Julian Donaubauer and Peter Nunnenkamp), Review of International Economics, 26, pp. 892–916.
Regional Inequalities in Premature Mortality in Great Britain (with Thomas Plümper and Denise Laroze), PLOS One, 13 (2). (Data and do-file)
The Limits to Equivalent Living Conditions: Regional Disparities in Premature Mortality in Germany (with Thomas Plümper and Denise Laroze), Journal of Public Health, 26 (3), pp. 309-319. (Data and do-file)
Robustness Tests for Quantitative Research (with Thomas Plümper), Cambridge University Press 2017
Replication data:
Chapter_7_population and sample
Chapter_8_concept validity and measurement
Chapter_9_explanatory and omitted variables
Chapter_10_functional forms beyond default
Chapter_11_causal heterogeneity and context conditionality
Chapter_12_structural change as temporal heterogeneity
Chapter_13_effect dynamics
Chapter_14_spatial correlation and dependence
The Double-Edged Sword of Learning from Natural Disasters: Mortality in the Tohoku Tsunami (with Thomas Plümper and Alejandro Quiroz Flores), Global Environmental Change, 44, pp. 49-56 (Data) (Do-file)
'W' (with Thomas Plümper), Political Science Research and Methods, 4 (1), pp. 175-193, January 2016
Spatial Spill-overs from Terrorism on Tourism: Western Victims in Islamic Destination Countries (with Thomas Plümper), Public Choice, 169 (3), pp. 195–206 (Data) (Do-file)
Inequalities of Income and Inequalities of Longevity: A Cross-Country Study (with Thomas Plümper), American Journal of Public Health,106 (1), pp. 160-165 (Data) (Do-file)
Are Stricter Investment Rules Contagious? Host Country Competition for Foreign Direct Investment through International Agreements (with Peter Nunnenkamp and Martin Roy), Review of World Economics, 152 (1), pp. 177-213 (Data, see below) (Do-file)
Article for ROWE (BITs)
Article for ROWE (BITs) FDI stocks last ten years only
Article for ROWE (BITs) independent at sample start only
Article for ROWE (BITs) incl developing FDI source countries
Corruption and Climate Change Policies: Do the Bad Old Days Matter?(with Per Fredriksson), Environmental and Resource Economics, 63 (2), pp. 451-469 (Data) (Do-file)
Student Satisfaction, League Tables and University Applications (with Richard Perkins and Steve Gibbons), Economics of Education Review, 48, pp. 148–164 (blog entry) (featured in Times Higher Education Supplement)
Why Aid is Unpredictable? An Empirical Analysis of the Gap Between Actual and Planned Aid (with Gustavo Javier Canavire-Bacarreza and Peter Nunnenkamp), Journal of International Development, 27 (4), pp. 440-463 (Data1) (Data2) (Do-file)
Free-riding in Alliances: Testing an Old Theory with a New Methodology (with Thomas Plümper), Conflict Management and Peace Science, 32 (3), pp. 247–268 (Data) (Do-file)
Environmental regulation and the cross-border diffusion of new technology: Evidence from automobile patents (with Antoine Dechezleprêtre and Richard Perkins), Research Policy, 44 (1), pp. 244-257 (Data1) (Data2) (Do-file)
Spatial Dependence in Asylum Migration (with Fabian Barthel), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41 (7), pp. 1131-1151 (Data) (Do-file)
The "Peer-Effect" in Counterterrorist Policies (with Thomas Plümper and Mariaelisa Epifanio), International Organization, 68 (1), pp. 211-234 (Data) (Do-file)
Competition for Export Markets and the Allocation of Foreign Aid: The Role of Spatial Dependence among Donor Countries (with Fabian Barthel, Peter Nunnenkamp and Pablo Selaya), World Development, 64 (12), pp. 350-365 (Data1) (Data2) (Data3) (Do-file) (Warning: these are very large data-files!)
Adoption and Compliance in Second-Hand Smoking Bans: a Global Econometric Analysis (with Richard Perkins), International Journal of Public Health, 59 (5), pp. 859-866 (Data) (Do-file)
'The Political Economy of Natural Disaster Damage' (with Thomas Plümper and Fabian Barthel), Global Environmental Change, 24, 2014, pp. 8-19 (Data) (Do-file)
Geographies of educational mobilities: exploring unevenness, difference and changes in international student flows (with Richard Perkins), Geographical Journal, 180 (3), pp. 246-259 (Data) (Do-file)
Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking? (with Seo-Young Cho and Axel Dreher), World Development, 41 (1), 2013, pp. 67-82 (Data1) (Data2) (Do-file)
Do Governments Mean Business When They Derogate? Human Rights Violations During Declared States of Emergency, Review of International Organizations, 8 (1), 2013, pp. 1-31, World Trade Review 12 (4), pp. 669-692 (Data) (Do-file)
Strategic Delaying and Concessions Extraction in Accession Negotiations to the World Trade Organization, World Trade Review 12 (4), pp. 669-692 (Data) (Do-file)
The ties that bind: The role of migrants in the uneven geography of international telephone traffic (with Richard Perkins), Global Networks, 13 (1), pp. 79-100 (Data) (Do-file)
Democracy and Climate Change Policies: Is History Important? (with Per Fredriksson), Ecological Economics, 95, pp. 11-19 (Data) (Do-file)
Health Spending, Out-of-Pocket Contributions, and Mortality Rates (with Thomas Plümper), Public Administration, 91 (2), pp. 403-418 (Data) (Do-file)
Competing for Scarce Foreign Capital: Spatial Dependence in the Diffusion of Double Taxation Treaties (with Fabian Barthel), International Studies Quarterly, 56 (4), pp. 645-660 (Data1) (Data2) (Do-file) (Warning: these are very large data-files!)
Conditional Spatial Policy Dependence: Theory and Model Specification (with Thomas Plümper), Comparative Political Studies, 47 (5), pp. 819-849 (Data) (Do-file) (Warning: this is a very large data-file!)
Does the 'California effect' operate across borders? Trading- and investing-up in automobile emission standards (with Richard Perkins), Journal of European Public Policy, 19 (2), pp. 217-237 (Data1) (Data2) (Do-file)
Do recipient country characteristics affect international spillovers of CO2-efficiency via trade and FDI? (with Richard Perkins), Climatic Change, 112 (2), pp. 469-491 (Data) (Do-file)
Fear of Floating and De Facto Exchange Rate Pegs with Multiple Key Currencies (with Thomas Plümper), International Studies Quarterly, 55 (4), pp. 1121-1142 (Data) (Do-file)
Transnational spatial dependencies in the geography of non-resident patent filings (with Richard Perkins), Journal of Economic Geography, 11 (1), pp. 37-60 (Data) (Do-file) (Warning: this is a very large data-file!)
Is the internet really new after all? The determinants of telecommunications diffusion in historical perspective (with Richard Perkins), The Professional Geographer, 63 (1), pp. 55-72 (Data) (Do-file)
On the Detrimental Impact of Visa Restrictions on Bilateral Trade and Foreign Direct Investment, Applied Geography, 31 (3), pp. 901-907 (Data) (Do-file)
Foreign Terror on Americans (with Thomas Plümper), Journal of Peace Research, 48 (1), pp. 1-12 (Data) (Do-file)
Globalization and Women's Empowerment: An Analysis of Spatial Dependence via Trade and Foreign Direct Investment (with Indra de Soysa), World Development, 39 (7), pp. 1065-1075 (Data) (Do-file) (Source Data for Spatial Lags) (Do-file for creating Spatial Lags)
Earthquake Propensity and the Politics of Mortality Prevention (with Phil Keefer and Thomas Plümper), World Development, 39 (9), pp. 1530-1541 (Letter to the editor of New Scientist) (Data) (Do-file)
'Spatial Effects in Dyadic Data' (with Thomas Plümper), International Organization, 64 (1), 2010, pp. 145-166 (Data) (Do-file) (Warning: this is a very large data-file!)
Model Specification in the Analysis of Spatial Dependence (with Thomas Plümper), European Journal of Political Research, 49 (3), pp. 418-442 (Data, see below) (Do-file)
Making Spatial Analysis Operational: Ado-files for Generating Spatial Effect Variables in Monadic and Dyadic Data (with Thomas Plümper), Stata Journal, 10 (4), pp. 585-605
The Level of Democracy during Interregnum Periods: Recoding the polity2 Score (with Thomas Plümper), Political Analysis, 18 (2), pp. 206-226 (Replication-data, see below) (Alternative Polity variables)
PA replication_F&L (dta)
PA replication_F&L (do)
PA replication_K&S (Asia) (dta)
PA replication_K&S (Asia) (do)
PA replication_K&S (SSA) (dta)
PA replication_K&S (SSA) (do)
PA_replication_tables 1 to 3 (dta)
PA_replication tables 1 to 3 (dta)
Galton's Problem and the Spread of International Terrorism along Civilizational Lines (with Thomas Plümper), Conflict Management and Peace Science, 27 (4), pp. 308-325 (Data) (Do-file) (Warning: this is a very large data-file!)
The Friend of my Enemy is my Enemy. International Alliances and International Terrorism (with Thomas Plümper), European Journal of Political Research, 49 (1), pp. 75-96 (Data) (Do-file) (Warning: this is a very large data-file!)
Geographic Variations in the Early Diffusion of Corporate Voluntary Standards: Comparing ISO14001 and the Global Compact (with Richard Perkins), Environment and Planning A, 42 (2), pp. 347-365 (Data) (Do-file)
The organized hypocrisy of ethical foreign policy: Human rights, democracy and Western arms sales (with Richard Perkins), Geoforum, 41 (2), pp. 247-256 (Data) (Do-file)
Visa restrictions and bilateral travel, The Professional Geographer, 62 (2), pp. 1-11 (Data and do-file) (Warning: this is a very large data-file!)
The Impact of Double Taxation Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Large Dyadic Panel Data (with Fabian Barthel and Matthias Busse), Contemporary Economic Policy, 28 (3), 2010, pp. 366-377 (Data and do-file) (Important note) (Warning: this is a very large data-file!)
International Terrorism and the Clash of Civilizations (with Thomas Plümper), British Journal of Political Science, 39 (4), 2009, pp. 711-734 (Data) (Do-file) (Warning: this is a very large data-file!)
Transnational linkages and the spillover of environment-efficiency into developing countries (with Richard Perkins), Global Environmental Change, 19 (3), pp. 375-383 (Data) (Do-file)
Famine Mortality and Rational Political Inactivity (with Thomas Plümper), World Development, 37 (1), pp. 50-61 (Data) (Do-file)
A New Moral Hazard? Military Intervention, Peacekeeping and Ratification of the International Criminal Court, Journal of Peace Research, 46 (5), pp. 659-670 (Data) (Do-file)
Fostering environment-efficiency through transnational linkages?Trajectories of CO2 and SO2, 1980-2000 (with Richard Perkins), Environment and Planning A, 40 (12), pp. 2970-2989 (Data) (Do-file)
Extra-territorial interventions in conflict spaces: Explaining the geographies of post-Cold War peacekeeping (with Richard Perkins), Political Geography, 27 (8), pp. 895-914 (Data) (Do-file) (Warning: this is a very large data-file!)
Disarming Fears of Diversity: Ethnic Heterogeneity and State Militarization, 1988-2002 (with Indra de Soysa), Journal of Peace Research, 45 (4), pp. 497-518 (Data) (Do-file)
Death Penalty: The political foundations of the global trend toward abolition, Human Rights Review, 9 (2), pp. 241-268 (Data) (Do-file)
Death Penalty Abolition and the Ratification of the Second Optional Protocol, International Journal of Human Rights, 12 (1), pp. 3-21 (Data) (Do-file)
Distance, Power and Ideology: Diplomatic Representation in a World of Nation-States, Area, 40 (2), pp. 228-236 IMPORTANT CORRECTION NOTE (Data) (Do-file)
The Gendered Nature of Natural Disasters: The impact of catastrophic events on the gender gap in life expectancy, 1981-2002' (with Thomas Plümper), Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 97 (3), 2007, pp. 551-566 (Data) (Do-file)
Corruption, the Resource Curse and Genuine Saving (with Simon Dietz and Indra de Soysa), Environment and Development Economics, 12 (1), pp. 33-53 (Data) (Do-file)
Do double taxation treaties increase foreign direct investment to developing countries?, Journal of Development Studies, 43 (8), pp. 1501-1519 (Data) (Do-file)
Do Membership Benefits Buy Regulatory Compliance? An Empirical Analysis of EU Directives 1978-1999 (with Richard Perkins), European Union Politics, 8 (2), pp. 180-206 (Data) (Do-file)
Implementing Multilateral Environmental Agreements: An Analysis of EU Directives (with Richard Perkins), Global Environmental Politics, 7 (3), pp. 13-31 (Data) (Do-file)
Kyoto Protocol Cooperation: Does Government Corruption Facilitate Environmental Lobbying? (with Per G. Fredriksson and Gergely Ujhelyi), Public Choice, 133 (1-2), pp. 231-251 (Data) (Do-file)
Globalization, Women's Economic Rights and Forced Labour (with Indra de Soysa), World Economy, 30 (10), pp. 1510-1535 (Data(women's rights)) (Do-file (women's rights) (Data (forced labour)) (Do-file(forced labour)
Natural Resources and Civil War: Another Look with New Data (with Indra De Soysa), Conflict Management and Peace Science, 24 (3), pp. 201-218 (Data1) (Data2) (Data3) (Data4) (Do-file) NOTE: Load all data files into your STATA folder and then run the do-file to generate results!
Qualified ratification: Explaining reservations to international human rights treaties, Journal of Legal Studies, 36 (2), 2007, pp. 397-430 (Data) (Do-file)
Unequal Access to Foreign Spaces: How States Use Visa Restrictions to Regulate Mobility in a Globalised World, Transactions of the British Institute of Geographers 31 (1), pp. 72-84 (Data) (Do-file)
The Unequal Burden of War: The Effect of Armed Conflict on the Gender Gap in Life Expectancy (with Thomas Plümper), International Organization, 60 (3), 723-754 (Data) (Do-file)
Self-interest, foreign need and good governance: Are bilateral investment treaty programs similar to aid allocation?, Foreign Policy Analysis 2 (3), pp. 245-267 (Data) (Do-file)
An empirical test of the neo-Malthusian theory of fertility change, Population and Environment, 27 (4), 2006, pp. 327-336 (Data1) (Data2) (Do-file) NOTE: Load both data files into your STATA folder and then run the do-file to generate results!
False Prophet, or Genuine Savior? Assessing the Effects of Economic Openness on Sustainable Development, 1980-1999 (with Indra de Soysa), International Organization 59 (3), pp. 731-772 (Correction to table 5) (Data) (Do-file)
Bogus Refugees? The Determinants of Asylum Migration to Western Europe, International Studies Quarterly 49 (4), pp. 389-409 (Data) (Do-file)
Asylum Recognition Rates in Western Europe - Their Determinants, Variation and Lack of Convergence, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 49 (1), pp. 43-66 (Data) (Do-file)
Environmentalism, Democracy, and Pollution Control (with Richard Damiana, Per G. Fredriksson and Scott Gates), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 49 (2), pp. 343-365 (Data) (Do-file)
Uneven geographies of organizational practice: explaining the cross-national transfer and adoption of ISO 9000 (with Richard Perkins), Economic Geography 81 (3), pp. 237-259 (Data) (Do-file)
International technological diffusion, latecomer advantage and economic globalization: a multi-technology analysis(with Richard Perkins), Annals of the American Association of Geographers 95 (4), pp. 789-808 (Data) (Do-file)
Do bilateral investment treaties increase foreign direct investment to developing countries? (with Laura Spess), World Development, 33 (10), 2005, pp. 1567-1585. (Data) (Do-file) (NOTE: Please note that for unclear reasons most of the coefficients of the control variable GDP per capita are stated incorrectly in the published version.)
Environmental Pressure Group Strength and Air Pollution: An Empirical Analysis (with Seth Binder), Ecological Economics, 55 (4), pp. 527-538 (Data1) (Data2) (Data3) (Do-file) NOTE: Save all data files into your current STATA folder and then run the do-file to generate results!
Do international human rights treaties improve respect for human rights?, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 49 (6), pp. 925-953 (Data) (Do-file)
Globalization and the Right to Free Association and Collective Bargaining: An Empirical Analysis (with Indra de Soysa), World Development, 34 (1), pp. 31-49 (Data) (Do-file)
Trade Openness, Foreign Direct Investment and Child Labor, World Development, 33 (1), pp. 43-63 (with Indra De Soysa) (Data) (Do-file)
Inequality and Violent Crime: Evidence from Data on Robbery and Violent Theft, Journal of Peace Research, 42 (1), pp. 101-112 (Data) (Do-file)
Does the 'resource curse' hold for growth in genuine income as well?, World Development, 32 (10), pp. 1627-1640 (Data) (Do-file)
Asylum Destination Choice: What Makes some European Countries more Attractive than Others?, European Union Politics, 5 (2), pp. 155-180 (Data) (Do-file)
What Explains the Uneven Take-up of ISO 14001 at the Global Level? A Panel Data Analysis (with Richard Perkins), Environment and Planning A 36 (5), pp. 823-839 (Data) (Do-file)
National Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Geography Matters, Area 36 (1), pp. 33-40 (Data) (Do-file)
Examining the Impact of Demographic Factors On Air Pollution (with Matthew A. Cole), Population and Environment, 26 (1), pp. 5-21. (Data) (do-files)
Recessions Lower Some Mortality Rates: Evidence from Germany, Social Science & Medicine, 58 (6), pp. 1037-1047 Corrections (Data) (Do-file)
The Impact of Violence on Tourism - Dynamic Econometric Estimation in a Cross-National Panel, Journal of Conflict Resolution 48 (2), pp. 259-281. (Data) (Do-file)
The super-rich in global perspective: a quantitative analysis of the Forbes list of billionaires, Applied Economics Letters, 11 (13), pp. 793-796. (Data) (Do-file)
The Pattern of Aid Giving - The Impact of Good Governance on Development Assistance, London: Routledge 2003, Hardback £60.00 (ISBN 9780415298117), Paperback £20.00 (ISBN 9780415406956) (Data) (Do-file)
Do human rights matter in bilateral aid allocation?A quantitative analysis of 21 donor countries, Social Science Quarterly, 84 (3), pp. 650-666 (Data) (Do-file)
The determinants of aid allocation by regional multilateral development banks and United Nations agencies, International Studies Quarterly 47 (1), pp. 101-122 (Data) (Do-file)
What factors determine the allocation of aid by Arab countries and multilateral agencies?, Journal of Development Studies, 39 (4), pp. 134-147 (Data) (Do-file)
Are Left-Wing Party Strength and Corporatism Good for the Environment? A Panel Analysis of 21 OECD Countries, 1980-1998, Ecological Economics 45 (2), pp. 203-220 (Data) (Do-file)
The Pitfalls of Convergence Analysis: Is the Income Gap Really Increasing? (together with Matthew A. Cole), Applied Economics Letters, 10 (6), pp. 355-357 (Data) (Do-file)
Good Policy can Lower Violent Crime: Evidence From Fixed Effects Estimation in a Cross-National Panel of Homicide Rates, 1980-97, Journal of Peace Research 40 (6), pp. 619-640 (Data) (Do-file)
Do Democracies Exhibit Stronger International Environmental Commitment?, Journal of Peace Research, 39 (2), pp. 139-164 (Data) (Do-file)