1. To apply students must submit the following documents:
a) Current curriculum vitae (in English);
b) Full contact details;
c) Personal Statement, clearly stating which of the four EI research themes is their primary area of academic interest and identifying to which their proposal falls under (or is more related to);
d) Letter of Recommendation from the academic director/supervisor of their PhD programme confirming their current registration and the compatibility of the intended studies at the LSE with their home programme;
e) Transcript of their university grades to date (undergraduate and if available masters) - at this stage a certified translation of the transcript will be sufficient. Scholarship holders will be asked to bring the original documentation with them on arrival and will not be able to receive their funding until they have done so;
f) Certificate confirming their proficiency in English. Scholarship holders will be asked to bring the original documentation with them on arrival and will not be able to receive their funding until they have done so;
g) Written Proposal of no more than 1500 words, detailing the proposed research question(s), the relevant literature and previous research in the field, planned research methods and theoretical/conceptual framework to be adopted. This will enable us to make an informed decision about the proposal and is equally important to establish the appropriate supervisor for the planned research.
Please note that staff cannot be expected to provide feedback on proposals and students should submit a proposal that fully covers the elements required.
h) Timetable stating where they are with their studies.
2. Applications will be considered in the first instance by the EI/HO on the basis of the quality of the current research project (i.e. PhD work) and its relevance to the HO.
3. Selected shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview. This can be arranged via SKYPE or telephone as necessary.
4. Once selected the successful applicant(s) will be required to complete an LSE application form in order to be registered as Visiting Research Students at LSE. Further information will be provided at the time and no fee will be charged.