
Banking On Markets: the transformation of bank-state ties in Europe and beyond

Hosted by the European Institute

Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, LSE


Rachel Epstein

Rachel Epstein

Abby Innes

Abby Innes

Waltraud Schelkle

Waltraud Schelkle


Ulrich Sedelmeier

Ulrich Sedelmeier

The central argument of this book, is that in the world's largest integrated market, Europe, the traditional political ties between states and banks have been transformed. Specifically, through a combination of post-communist transition, monetary union, and economic crisis, states in Europe no longer wield preponderant influence over their banks. Banking on Markets explains why we have witnessed the radical denationalization of this politically vital sector, as well as the consequences for economic volatility and policy autonomy.

Rachel Epstein is Professor of International Relations and European Politics at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver.

Abby Innes is Assistant Professor of Political Economy at the European Institute, LSE.  

Waltraud Schelkle is Associate Professor of Political Economy, European Institute, LSE.

Ulrich Sedelmeier is Reader in International Relations, Department of International Relations, LSE.

The LSE European Institute (@LSEEI) is a centre for research and graduate teaching on the processes of integration and fragmentation within Europe. In the most recent national Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014) the Institute was ranked first for research in its sector.

Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSEEurope 

This event forms part of the “New World (Dis)Orders” series, held in the run up to the LSE Festival, a week-long series of events taking place from 25 February to 2 March 2019, free to attend and open to all, exploring how social science can tackle global issues. How did we get here? What are the challenges? And, importantly, how can we address them? Full programme available online from January 2019.


A podcast of this event is available to download at Banking On Markets: the transformation of bank-state ties in Europe and beyond.

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