Abhijit  Tagade

Abhijit Tagade

PhD Candidate in Economics

Department of Economics

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English, Hindi, Marathi
Key Expertise

About me

Abhijit is a PhD student in the Department of Economics. His research interests lie at the intersection of macroeconomics, microeconomics and labour. He studies how competitive environments faced by inventors and organizations shape the direction and evolution of technologies and the flow of capital. He also works on unequal opportunity, and how it relates to growth.

Prior to joining LSE, he took the Master APE at Paris School of Economics/EHESS, specialising in theory and history. He also holds an MA from Columbia University, an MA in Education from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, and a BSc in Mathematics from the University of Madras. He did his predoctoral research at the Collège de France and worked as a Research Associate at Harvard Business School.

Research Interests
Microeconomics, Labour Economics, Networks

Working Papers
"Innovation Networks and Business-Stealing" (2023), with Philippe Aghion, Matthew O. Jackson and Antoine Mayerowitz. CEPR Discussion Paper DP17911. 
"Foreign competition and R&D specialization", with Antoine Mayerowitz.
"Financial spillovers in innovation networks", with Bijan Aghdasi.

Philippe Aghion 
Xavier Jaravel

Research Centres
Centre of Economic Performance


Expertise Details

Labour Economics; Macroeconomics; Microeconomics