- Pension deficits and corporate financial policy: does accounting transparency matter? Euopean Accounting Review, 2021 (with Fani Kalogirou and V. Paraskevi Kiosse).
Reliability and Relevance of Fair Values: Private Equity Investments and Investee Fundamentals. Review of Accounting Studies, 2019 (with Petrus Ferreira, Roman Kräussl, Wayne R. Landsman and Maria Nykyforovych).
Proactive financial reporting enforcement: Audit fees and financial reporting quality effects. The Accounting Review, 2020 (with Annita Florou and Serena Morricone).
The interplay between mandatory country-by-country reporting, geographic segment reporting, and tax havens: Evidence from the European Union. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 38:2 2019, pp. 106-129 (with Rodney Brown and Bjorn Jorgensen).
Real options models of the firm, capacity overhang and the cross-section of returns. Journal of Finance, 73:3, 2018 pp. 1363-1415 (with Kevin Aretz).
Are international accounting standards more credit relevant than domestic standards? Accounting and Business Research. 47:1 2017, pp.1-29 (with Annita Florou and Ursa Kosi).
Asymmetric persistence and the pricing of accruals and cash flows. Abacus, 52:1, 2016, pp.140-165 (with Art Kraft and Sonia Konstantinidi).
Forecasting risk in earnings. Contemporary Accounting Research, 33:2, 2016, pp. 487-525 (with Sonia Konstantinidi).
Common factors in default risk across countries and industries. European Financial Management 19(1), 2013 pp.108-152 (with Kevin Aretz).
Mandatory IFRS adoption and institutional investment decisions. The Accounting Review, 87(6), 2012, pp.1993-2025 (with Annita Florou).
Are analysts’ loss functions asymmetric? Journal of Forecasting, 31(8), 2012, pp.736-756 (with Mark Clatworthy and David Peel).
The European IFRS experiment: Objectives, research challenges and some early evidence. Accounting and Business Research 41(3), 2011, 233-266 (with Stuart McLeay).
Asymmetric loss functions and the rationality of expected stock returns. International Journal of Forecasting 2011, 27(2) 413-437 (with Kevin Aretz and Soehnke Bartram).
Bridging the gap between accounting and finance. British Accounting Review 42(2), 2010, 88-102.
Macroeconomic risks and characteristic–based factor models. Journal of Banking and Finance 34(6), 2010, 1383-1399 (with Kevin Aretz and Soehnke Bartram).
Cross-border information transfers: Evidence from profit warnings issued by European firms. Accounting and Business Research 39(5) 2009, 449-472 (with Paulo Alves and Steven Young).
Which approach to accounting for employee stock options best reflects market pricing? Review of Accounting Studies (July/September) 11(2-3), 2006, 203-245 (with Wayne Landsman, Ken Peasnell and Shu Yeh). This paper awarded Best Paper 2004-2008 by Financial Accounting and Reporting Section, American Accounting Association, 2008.
Conservative accounting and linear information valuation models. Contemporary Accounting Research 23(1), March 2006, 73-101 (with Young-Soo Choi and John O'Hanlon).
Board monitoring and earnings management: Do outside directors influence abnormal accruals? Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 2005: 32 (7-8), 1311-1346. (with K.V. Peasnell and S. Young).
Earnings components, accounting bias and equity valuation. Review of Accounting Studies, 10: 387-407, 2005 (with P. Wang).
The link between earnings timeliness, earnings conservatism and board composition: evidence from the UK, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 12(1), 2004, 47-59 (with W. Beekes and S.E. Young).
The characteristics of firms subject to adverse rulings by the Financial Reporting Review Panel. Accounting and Business Research, 31(4), 2001, 291-311 (with P.F. Pope and S.E. Young).
Accrual management to meet earnings targets: Did Cadbury make a difference? British Accounting Review 32:4, December 2000, pp.415-446 (with K. V. Peasnell and S. Young).
Detecting earnings management using cross-sectional abnormal accruals models. Accounting and Business Research 30:4, Autumn 2000, pp.313-326 (with K.V. Peasnell and S. Young).
International differences in the timeliness, conservatism and classification of earnings. Journal of Accounting Research, Supplement, 1999, pp.53-87 (with M. Walker).