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Regulatory Capitalism and Development in Latin America: The Mexican Experience in Comparative Perspective

Regulation and ‘regulatory capitalism’ are central topics for academics and policymakers around the world. In developed countries as in the UK, the quality, performance, and reputation of regulatory instruments and agencies are under increasing scrutiny. Scholars are even asking whether regulation is in crisis.

Meanwhile, in Mexico and Latin American countries, there is much debate about the kind of regulatory institutions that should be devised to cope with new markets, emerging risks, and policy reforms. This project contributes in both theoretical and empirical terms to these questions. It explores whether a specific form of ‘regulatory capitalism’ has diffused across these regions, and if so, how, and with what consequences. The project compares the UK and Mexico on the one hand, and, on the other, Mexico and Latin American countries. The findings will new empirical and theoretical insights to enrich international debates in the worlds of research and practice, thereby advancing development in Mexico and elsewhere.

In particular, this project aims to

  • Encourage theoretical development of regulation literature, with particular focus on the context of development
  • Bring together academic and practitioner perspectives on regulation
  • Support research infrastructure building by encouraging collaboration between early career and established researchers, as well as research training


Mauricio I. Dussauge-Laguna, Alejandra Elizondo, Camilo Ignacio González, Martin Lodge, "Regulation and development: Theoretical contributions and empirical lessons from Latin America", Regulation & Governance: Volume 18, Issue 2, April 2024 - Click Here

Special Issue on: Regulation and Development, Regulation & Governance: Volume 18, Issue 2, April 2024, Edited By: Mauricio I. Dussauge-Laguna, Alejandra Elizondo, Camilo Ignacio González, Martin Lodge - Click Here

Mauricio Dussauge (CIDE) and Martin Lodge (2022) "Introductory study to the political-administrative foundations of regulation", CIDE, February 2022 - Click Here  

Mauricio Dussauge and Martin Lodge "Los fundamentos político-administrativos de la regulación", CIDE, 2021, ISBN 9786078791231 - Click Here

Elizondo, Alejandra and Dussauge Mauricio (2019) ‘Steering regulatory agencies through their infancy’ Risk&Regulation, Issue 37, Summer 2019 - Click Here

Elizondo, Alejandra and Dussauge, Mauricio (2018) ASEA: Una nueva institución del Estado mexicano, CIDE - Click Here

Mauricio I. Dussauge Laguna, Martin Lodge, Sharon Gilad, Salvador Parrado, Andrea Mennicken and Bruno Queiroz Cunha (2021) - La regulación en su encrucijada Una conversación, Gestión y Política Pública volumen XXX, número 2, segundo semestre de 2021, 171-186 - Click Here



Final project workshop, September 2022

Seminar: Regulation and Development in Latin America: Building a Regional Conversation, CIDE, November 2019

View video here

Building Regulatory Capacity in Mexican Regulatory Agencies (CIDE)

This event brought together economic and other Mexican regulatory agencies to consider challenges in building regulatory capacity and facilitated interaction with research-oriented perspectives.

Regulatory Challenges Across Policy Sectors in Mexico (CIDE)

This event enabled research-led discussions on regulatory dynamics across different policy sectors in Mexico.

Regulation and Development (CARR)

This workshop brought together UK practitioners, Europe- and carr-based researchers with colleagues from CIDE to consider challenges for regulatory agencies and for regulation.

Regulation at the Crossroads (CIDE)

This workshop brought together CIDE-based and international researchers to consider regulatory dynamics and challenges, in particular in view of theoretical developments.

Regulation and Reputation (CIDE)

This early career researcher-led workshop allowed for the exchange between different perspectives on using reputation for the study of regulation.

For further details, see here.